DIY Homemade Solar Panels - Are You Simply Wasting Your Time?

Every time I turn on the TV there is a new DIY program being aired. The projects I watch differ vastly in size from rewiring to building a house. However none of these DIY programs tackled a subject that is of great interest to me, building DIY homemade solar panels.

I really wanted to start using renewable energy and more importantly the power of the sun. So I did some internet research and found a whole load of manuals and information on the subject of renewable energy. I have to admit the prospect of building my own DIY homemade solar panel was a bit daunting at first. However, you have to remember that the panels simply compose a bunch of solar cells in a wooden box!

Most of the equipment that you will require can be bought at your local DIY shop. I use Radioshack for example. I can now build my own panels and cells for under $ 200. But remember energy from the sun is free so you will recoup these costs over time. More importantly you will not be paying thousands of dollars to a professional when you can build your own for a fraction of the price! The cost of the components is far outweighed by what you will be saving long term in electricity and heating costs around your home.

So what are you waiting for? Go grab a guide today and start saving on your energy bills. Making your own renewable energy free could not be easier!


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