Flower Pick-Up Lines That Work (or Not)

Have you ever wondered why you still spend night after night with pizza and whatever it was on TV? You think that life does not get better than that. True, enough. But, have you ever thought what the night could have been if you are with someone special, who cooks sumptuous dinner and watch these movies with you? And now you realize that life does get better than eating sloppy pizza and feeling sorry for yourself.

So, here are 6 cheesy pick-up lines inspired by flowers that will help you score a date. Try not to get tongue tied!

If you were a flower, I would pick you.

This is a pick-up line shows that you think she is the best from amongst her girl friends. It will help boost her confidence and will definitely give you the chance if this makes her smile. Be careful though! She can be secure and confident in herself and does not need reminding of her awesomeness. Save yourself by saying that you were voicing her thoughts.

If you hold 9 roses in front of a mirror, you'd see 10 of the prettiest things in the world.

She may find this sweet or call your bluff to score from her. Neverheless, this sweet line may charm her into getting that her number. What's the harm in trying, right?

If I have a garden I've put our two lips (tulips) together.

Did I just hear a slap? She may find this line to be bordering on rude. A funny pick-up line should be treated as it is, a joke. You should deliver it well only meaning to make her laugh. This may be the funniest thing she heard for the day.

If a flower grows every time I think of you, I've got a field of them.

It is creepy how much you think of her. This can both ways, she thinks it is disturbing or flattering. If she thinks the former, then you may have lost your chance. If the latter, then go for it!

Are you a eucalyptus? Because you've achieved my koalafications.

It is a perfect segue for inviting her to a spa weekend. You can both have fun in this elite pick-up line turned romantic date.

Roses are red, violets are blue, the moment I saw you, I knew the one is you.

This is as sweet as pick-up lines can get. It may sound like a bad case of poorly thought wedding vow. But, for a guy who is seeking for his significant other, the one might just be in front of you smiling from that statement.

After reading (and laughing) all through these uber sleazy pick-up lines, you will realize (I hope) that being yourself (although cliche) is the best conversation starter. Do not be afraid to compliment her or say hi or even smile. She can see sincerity even from afar.


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