Healthcare - The Fastest Route to a Bright Financial Future

We are all pursuing education so as to secure our future financially. Here it is very necessary to take up education in fields that are fast growing, so that we can also get the maximum financial benefits in the years to come.

Healthcare is seen as one of the fastest growing opportunities in the US. According to the US Department of Labor, seven out of 10 highest growing jobs are in the healthcare industry.

This has been primarily due to the "Baby Boomers", who are fairly well off and can afford a more than reasonable amounts to spend on healthcare.

People born in the 1950's, who are still in great health, are hiring people to tend to their aging parents. Earlier people used to take care of their parents themselves, but now they can very well afford to hire help.With escalating healthcare costs, the demand for professionals with lower wages and lower skills is skyrocketing, the growth in demand for doctors and nurses is fairly steady. But medical assistants, dental assistants and physical therapist aides should expect a growth of at least 30% in the next few years.

Dental assistants will be in great demand as Dentists are going to need more assistants for routine tasks, so they can devote more time to specialized tasks.

Most assistants learn on the job, but now more people are going for specialized training, which typically takes 1 year or even less to complete.

Their jobs covers functions like sterilizing equipment, prepare and layout instruments and other dental material, collect dental records, prepare patients for treatment, assist the dentist during the process, take X-rays, prepare dental impressions and a whole lot of associated activities.

For those who wish to pursue this career, a background in biology, chemistry, health is needed. Further training with programs approved by the American Dental Association (ADA), which are either a 1 year Certificate or Diploma, or a 2 year Associate degree. There are a number of private vocational institutes that even offer 6 months training, but these are not accredited.

Even after completion of the program, on-the-job training is considered important and assistants have to learn the manner in which the dentist runs his clinic and the procedures and practices that he follows. These can vary from dentist to dentist.

A person can expect to work 35 to 40 hours in a week at wages ranging from $ 15 to $ 25 per hour.

Similarly, Medical assistants will also be in short supply and the demand is going to grow very fast.

Medical assistants are practically running the clinics of doctors, chiropractors and other health practitioners. Their duties vary from clinic to clinic, depending on the location, size and specialty of the practitioner. They handle both administrative and clinical tasks.They maintain patient records, deal with insurance, interact with hospitals, laboratories in addition to other basic office activities like telephones, correspondence, appointments etc.

Post secondary programs are offered for a 1 year certificate or diploma, or for a 2 years Associate degree.

However formal training is not really required, as on the job training can also be suitable to get a job.

The job generally is a 40 hours per week full time or part time occupation. The annual salaries vary from $ 24000 to $ 40000.

In all these statements, certifications from recognized bodies can be of great help. Also all these jobs offer great scope for further progress into associated fields, thereby the person can be assured of a secure financial future.

In case you need more information about these professions, please comment on the article or you can contact the author by email


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