Business opportunity seekers, like you and I, are fed up with paying up front for a chance to make some money. I do not care if it only cost $ 1 to try it, by the time you've tried a few of these offers, you've paid some serious money.
Now do not get me wrong. I am not suggesting that there are no business opportunities which should require up front payments. No one would expect to purchase a McDonald's or Burger King's franchise with no out of pocket costs! My opinion is that any business that (1) requires an investment in assets before you can service your first customer and (2) turns over the control of operations to you is justified in mandating up front payments. Even under these conditions, there should be some guarantees and risk reduction agreements in the arrangement.
On the other hand, if there are no assets to be purchased and the seller boast about the effectiveness of his offer, why should I have to pay up front to try it? If he is afraid that if he shows me the system for free, I will take it and run, leaving him with nothing, then he should design his product or service to allow for his control. In other words, if I am using his system in violation of our agreement, he can cut me off! FINIS! With this type of business opportunity offer, the seller makes money if I make money. If I am netting $ 1,500 monthly, I would not mind paying $ 1,000 monthly to the seller. Maybe More! But if I am losing money, I do not want to pay anything up front or otherwise.
Furthermore, who can you trust? If promised a refund, can I trust that it will be paid? When a seller posts testimonials supporting his offer, how do we know that they are genuine? Who are these people? Did they receive any incentives? We just do not know, do we? As a former Certified Public Accountant (CPA), I used to think that if a CPA was hired to audit the sales representations of the seller and provided a public opinion, that we could trust what was presented. Then, I thought, did not have ENRON have CPAs? Did not Madoff have a CPA? Who can you trust?
I've concluded that the only internet business opportunity for me is one that is absolutely free or offers a free trial period. If the business is so successful, why should I have to pay to try it? IF I MAKE MONEY, THE SELLER MAKES MONEY.