In a Saturated Marketplace? 7 Steps to Great Business Ideas

The difference in business ideas can be compared to the difference between mediocre and exceptional and between boredom and passion.

Whether you're coming up with an effective way to streamline the job search process, writing a best-selling headline to attract new clients, or coming up with a product or program that can take your business to the next level, to attract potential clients you need to stand out or you'll be overlooked.

You're an expert at making your clients stand out from the crowd. Now it's about making you stand out from the crowd.

Consider these 7 Steps when coming up with new ideas to build your business:

1. Trigger Creativity - What helps take your mind in different directions? A day away from the office? Listening to your favorite music? Gardening? Running? Spending time with your kids? Meeting up with collections? Attending a mastermind group?

2. Examine Your Beliefs - What beliefs or thoughts keep you stuck in the same old, same old? Which ones hinder your efforts or keep your ideas small?

3. Identify the Purpose or "Juice" - What is it that you LOVE to do? See if you can include that, or the energy of it, into your ideas.

4. Notice What's NOT Working - The heart of a problem is rich with potential for creative solutions.

5. Ask - Reach out to colleges and professional network and ask for their input. And, if you're spiritual, you know the power of prayer. Ask for help and guidance from the Lord God Himself. "But if any of you lack wisdom, he should ask God who gives to all generously and ungrudgingly, and he will be given it." (James 1: 5)

6. Be Open - Ideas can come from anywhere. You never know, your spouse, kids, or siblings may spark an idea that will work for you.

7. Keep Track - Great ideas are often born while driving, running, when showering or taking a relaxing bath. Always keep something handy to jot down your ideas-avoid the risk of forgetting them! You can ...

  • Put a pen and notepad in your car's glove box and another one on your nightstand.
  • Get one of those notepads with a magnet to put on your fridge.
  • Use your cell phone: Use the notepad feature, send yourself a text, or send yourself an email as a reminder.
The ultimate goal here is to come up with ideas that will serve to meet the needs of your target market.


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