iPad Vs iPhone

The web has increased our Society tremendously. We have things now that we before only dreamed about. Skype has got to be one of the greatest inventions of our lifetime. Yet, if you put it up against some of the other devices, it's not even in the top ten. Ladies and Gentleman, here are the top 2.

Number One is the iPad. Hands down this is one of the greatest inventions ever created. It is already causing schools to revolutionize their teaching methods. My youngest sister, Christine uses it to access her homework assignments. Could you imagine if we had this, just think about the possibilities. My generation would have had a field day with this, my iPad would've had mega-man and Super Mario Brothers loaded on it. Have you tried the encyclopedia application on it? If you are definitely missing out, it is an awesome piece of technology. I looked at the Geology section and was blown away at the picture, breath-taking.

Number Two is the iPhone. This invention is one of the best phones ever. Who knows? Maybe in 3 years there will be another phone that will be better, but for now it's the best. It can run so many applications it's like a small computer on the phone. One word sums it up: Incredible.

Both of these inventions are ahead of its time. They have only improved the lives of people everywhere. The fact they even exist is a testament to the ingenuity of humans everywhere.


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