Is Money Everything?

Money will buy me a house, but not a home, a bed, but not a good night's sleep .- Zig Ziglar

Is Money Everything? This was the title of my speech at a seminar in Central London organized by Find Your Voice. Many professional speakers from all walks of life attended and delivered messages that motivated and empowered people to take control of their lives. I was one of the four speakers and the theme was: "Money Makes the World Go Round." I would like to share the views I expressed at the seminar with you.

One of the problems with literature about success is that most of the time the word 'success' is usually interpreted as material success or power. This typically includes the amount of money a person earns or has; the type of car they drive and the size and location of their house. However, we need to remind ourselves that true success is not just Hollywood's definition of it!

Success is a journey and not a destination. The mistake most people make is aligning money with success. Money is only a medium of exchange and can never measured side-by-side with success.

I believe that success can be divided into eight categories; These are: spiritual, health, family, career & business, financial, self-development / intellectual, personal needs, and community. It is there worth worth that true success is not just when you are financially rich, but it is when you are rich in all of the eight categories.

Money can buy you material possessions, but it can not buy you happiness and peace of mind. Money is used in exchange for other things, but this paper money we spend (eg Pounds, Naira, Dollars, etc) is not the only money we should have. There are hidden 'monies' in all of us; the only problem is discovering we have such 'monies' within us.

Let us consider this; if one is only financially rich and lacks the intellect to make other riches, or is unsuccessful in their family life and health, then the person is as good as being poor. Let us not be overly transported away by this mere medium of exchange - money - and fail to consider other aspects of life.

I once knew a rich man, who, in spite of his wealth, is deficient in his health. He died despite the great financial wealth he had accumulated. Would you say such a man was wealthy? No. Why? Because he was only monetarily wealthy - this appeared to be at the expense of his health.

I was at the mansion of one of my mentors, Richie Dyo Johnson, in Netherne-On-the-Hill, Surrey and as we sat down in his study that Sunday evening I asked: "DJ (as I fondly call him) tell me what money can and can not buy. He replied, "Dayo, money can buy you a house, but it can not buy you a home. Money can buy you insurance, but it can not buy you security. Money can buy you entertainment, but it can not buy you happiness. Money can buy you medicine, but it can not buy you good health. Money can buy you a bed, but it can not buy you sleep. Money can buy you companionship, but it can not buy you friendship. Money can buy you sex, but it can not buy you love. Money is called currency, because it is designed to flow through you. Money does not change you; it only reveals who you really are. "

I totally agree with Richie Dai Johnson. In addition to this, I believe that money can buy you many women but it can not buy you a good wife. It can buy you a good book, but it can not buy you wisdom and knowledge. It can sponsor you through school, but it can not buy you intellect. However, the things money can buy are temporal but the things money can not buy are, most times, everlasting.

Who are you when you have money and who are you when you do not have? The bottom line is that money does not change you; it merely uncovers you. Why do not you take time to reflect on those things money can not buy; you may be surprised to realize that money is actually not everything?

Is your spiritual life in order? Are you enjoying good health? Are you in control of your finances? Are you developing yourself intellectually? Are you giving back to the society? If you answer YES to all these questions, then you can confidently say that you are prospering and therefore successful.

Now tell me, IS MONEY EVERYTHING? I rest my case.


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