Magic Formula To Financial Freedom

"If only there is this magic formula which will make me rich". This is likely the
thought in the mind of all fellow humans. Truth is there really is one which so many
of us fail to see. It is our mind or rather what we call the subconscious mind. The other half of our thinking which can not differiate between present and past, good or
bad, right or wrong.

How many of us out there have already decided that they will not be rich because
it's fated, they are not lucky and that only the rich will get richer while they themselves are not cut out to be rich?

Truth is by thinking that way, you have programmed your subconscious mind that
you are not to get rich and it is simply making sure your instruction is followed.

Back track your lost younger days when you still had dreams. Are you
driving that car you dreamt of as a teenager? Is your house your dream
house or simply a place you are putting up as you do not have much choice.

Forgive me for being blunt but for those of you who have yet to achieve
financial freedom, you have no one to blame but yourself. Stop blaming the
government, your spouse, your company, your school and whatever else you
can come up with. The only reason you are on the other side of the bridge
is because of what's going on in your mind.

When was the last time you attempted to do something to make a difference in
your bank account? And when you were half way there and you faced some rejection,
failure or something along that line; did you move on to solve the situation and
persist on to reach the goal?

Failure is a for sure or rather I would say, a must! You will not learn anything without making any mistakes. I can assure you all self made millionaires or even
billionaires had their own setbacks. The only difference between you and them is
that they refused to give up and moved on till they succeeded. Success does not come
overnight. You need to put in a reasonable amount of time and effort to attain it.

The mind is a very powerful tool when put to good use and can be very destructive
when you get all those negative thoughts in you. Start thinking positively and work
on your way to financial freedom. You might have an idea to open up a traditional
food chain restaurant. You might want to open up a cyber cafe or even start an
online business. The most important step is to start on it now with full confidence
on succeeding and stop procrastinating.

When you venture out from your employee status to being your own job, it definitely
involve risks. All successful people out there took a risk to rise to where they are
now. So make it a calculated risk, and take the risk!

Just a reminder, you can never achieve anything without having a want. You need to want
something to activate your mind to work on getting it. Now I do not know what your
childhood dreams were. Did you want a Ferrari Spider? Or maybe a beautiful 4- storey
terrace house by the sea. Whatever they are, get those dreams back. Give them life.

Quote: Whatever the mind of man can conceive and believe, it can achieve. - Napoleon Hill


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