Money Purpose Joy - Book Review

By: Matt Bell (2008)

ISBN 978-1-60006-279-7

Book Price: $ 14.99

Financial success

Matt Bell is a personal-finance writer and speaker, director of the Willow Creek Association's Good $ ense financial ministry, and author of Money, Purpose, Joy: The Proven Path to Uncommon Financial Success. He has been quoted in major media such as US News and World Report and Chicago Tribune.

The joyful purpose of money

Matt Bell presents his formula for the joyful purpose of money. In four parts he relays twelve chapters, including topics as, why we've settled for so little (Ch. 3), what matters most (Ch. 5), finding joy, expressing hope, & experiencing freedom (Ch. 6, 7 , 8), a financial GPS system (Ch.9), & traveling in financial community (Ch.12).

Financial success ideas

Matt Bell writes with a pleasant, personable tone. He relates to his readers in order to educate, initiating with "It took me four and a half years to pay off my credit card debts and another three years to pay off my car."

While addressing truth, Matt exercises questions, avoiding a confrontational approach. He asks readers, "Why do we allow the misguided money-related massages of our culture to sway us so easily? Why do we find it difficult to avoid making financial choices that are not in our best interests?" Questions prepare us for new financial ideas.

Bell uses relevant illustrations to introduce wealth principals; he shares "Forbes magazine may seem an unofficial place for an article about charitable giving. After all, Forbes is all about business and making money. But there was it. Under the headline" Irrational Act, "publisher Rich Karlgaard wrote not just about giving but about tithing ... "

Matt shares as an adviser with financial advice. Speaking about an emergency account he says, "In order to minimize financial stress and build a solid financial foundation, keep three to six months' worth of living expenses ..."

Readers are encouraged to embrace Matt's ideas through his focus on benefits. Speaking on debt he points out that "Living without consumer debt ... provides tremendous freedom, flexibility, and peace of mind." He explains ideas appropriately, as "Using a budget is not about spending less. It's about spending more effectively ..." Great!

Proven path to uncommon financial success

Matt Bell shows readers a proven path to uncommon financial success.


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