Safe Keeping Receipt (SKR) - Collateral For Alternative Financing

Safe Keeping Receipt's, or SKR's, are bank instruments that are on the rise as collateral for alternative financing. A SKR is a financial instrument that is issued by a safe keeping facility, bank or storage house. In storage, assets or other valuables are in a safe, secured and protected area. The issuer of the SKR takes the responsibility of being the legally responsible custodian. Check with your institution or safe keeping storage facility as some require fees for these services.

Examples of asset skr's that can be monetized:

• Fur SKR

• Collectible Art SKR

• Gold SKR

• Above Ground Assets SKR

• Commercial Property SKR

• Antiques SKR

• Valuable Documents SKR

• Precious Metals or Gems SKR

The issuer of the SKR is not the legal owner and therefore, must return the asset to the owner upon request. Who can obtain an SKR? Individuals, corporations, companies, organizations and trusts to name a few. The owner of an SKR may monetize this instrument much like an SBLC, LC, Bond or BG and use these funds as an alternative funding source for projects. Most issued SKR are capable of SWIFT transfers however, some may require an additional MT 760 simultaneous to the transfer of funds in the transaction.

Monetizing and SKR is the process of converting the financial instrument into a legal tender transaction. Depending upon the monetizing bank, certain additional conditions may apply. For instance, is the asset free and clear, meaning; is the title free and clear listed on the SKR? Aside from the validity of the SKR, free title is the single most important aspect of monetizing. The next important aspect is the capability of a SWIFT MT 760. Once monetized usually for a term of 1 year and 1 day unless otherwise agreed upon, the safe keeping receipt is then completed to the originating issuer.

With these very crucial points in place, monetizing your safe keeping receipt can be a safe transaction because in most circumstances, you don't move your asset or give up control. Any fees associated with monetizing your SKR should be paid out of proceeds and not upfront. For many reasons, you should never make arrangement to SWIFT or transfer your SKR to any one or company without first having a contract in place or knowing the company you are dealing with. Monetizing your SKR can be a solution to alternative conventional financing.


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