Some Useful Educational Applications on the iPhone

The iPhone is a modern technological marvel, no doubt, but it is most often used for entertainment purposes instead of focusing on other useful areas which the device was designed for. You may not be aware but there are many useful iPhone apps related to education. Students as well as adults can benefit from these educational apps by increasing their knowledge.

History: Maps of the World

This is one application which comes in handy in both history and geography classes. It is a free application which features a historical map of the world. You can browse through maps of the various continents at different points in the course of history. Up-to-date maps can be viewed along with their current boundaries.


Redshift happens to be a delightful astronomy app that has garnered rave reviews from users. An extremely engaging application, it offers a new perspective on the field of astronomy through an improved understanding of the night sky. Both the minor and major planetary bodies are listed in accurate detail along with constellations and stars. 3D models are used to render regions nearby the galaxy. You can explore stars which happened to be 3000 light years away using the application. The Follow Sky mode allows you to use the position sensors and the compass to identify stars and planets in real-time.


Need help studying for an upcoming exam? Cram is an application specifically designed for this purpose. It allows users to come up with their own flash-card-based study guides and multiple-choice quizzes. The app even provides you with random answer choices to ensure that remembering the correct option is useless. Students are able to access their tests online using the sync feature on the iPhone. The app also allows you to share your test with your friends. The only drawback is the highly high cost of $ 4.99.

The Elements for iPhone 4

A comprehensive eBook app that enables you to grasp the deeper concepts behind the various elements constituting the world, the Elements for iPhone 4 helps you understand the Periodic Table in a new perspective. Detailed interactive images of the different elements are available which move and rotate as per touch. The application presents all the up-to-date information of the elements in an interesting manner. Students of all age groups can learn something useful from this app.

iStudiez Pro

Students who have trouble coming up with a prejudice academic schedule can use this application which allows them to keep track of their syllabus, project deadlines, lectures, extracurricular activities, homework and lab schedules. Both parents and teachers are able to closely monitor their wards' academic performance through this application. This is one of the most popular educational apps because of its ease-of-use. This is not a free application so you need to pay $ 2.99 in order to avail this app. But considering the numerous advantages of this app, the price is more than justified.

Mathematical Formulas

This is an essential app for every student who aspired to be good at math. It serves as a useful studying tool by allowing you to access difficult math equations very fast. All formulas are grouped by the app according to the topic. You can find anything math-related in this app from trigonometry to algebra. Users get to view all the formulas associated with a particular entry by clicking on that particular option. However, complex mathematical formulas are not included in the app.


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