Woodworking History: Everything You Need To Know About Woodworking

A very popular hobby, woodworking is a craft that many became highly skilled at. In addition to these skilled woodworkers, there are many beginners who are just beginning to explore this passion. Being educated in the history of woodworking will not only help you appreciate it more, but can provide you with project ideas for yourself. Woodworking dates back much more than you might realize.

As a matter of fact, our earliest ancient creatures have said to participate in some form of woodworking. While they did not have access to the equipment and tools that we have nowdays, they could still use wood and clay to create plates and pots. Evidence has been found to support that a lot was build using wood back in those days. As time went on, their understanding of how to utilize wood continued to grow, as cave drawings showed Egyptians doing woodworking projects.

Going back to the time period when the Great Pyramids were being built, Egyptian woodworkers showed how skilled they were based on the structures that remain to this day. Because all the work was done by hand, even the most efficient workers still had to devote much more time towards finishing projects than we do today. Some of the best woodworkers in the early days included Evert Sodergren, Sam Maloof, Garrett Hack, Tage Frid, and Wharton Esherick.

While the principles of woodworking are not much different today than in the past, the primary difference is the technological advancement in supplies and tools. Primitive humans has very little to work with, whereas we have an abundance of power tools and wood that allow us to get projects done much more efficiently and fairly. As a result, we can take on much more complex projects, such as log cabins and large buildings. Anything that mind can conceive is capable of being built now, from lawn figurines to cabinets, it's really just a matter of having plans and the time needed to get it done.

Today's woodworkers should really take the time to appreciate the resources they have at their disposal compared to years past. For those who are looking to get their feet wet in woodworking, learn the very basics including how to interpret plans and which tools you will need. Today's tools are far more precise, which means that less skilled is required than ever before. An increasing amount of women are getting involved in this craft and displaying their skills.


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