1000 Ways to Improve Your Business

One of the best things you can do for your business is to give information away. Information empowers your customer and brings them back for more. There are many great ways to give information to current and potential customers, which will instill confidence in your business. Many send out newsletters or email online newsletters to keep customers in their minds. It is important to keep customers aware of what is going on and tell them you appreciate their patronage. Some businesses send out gift certificates and Christmas Cards. But there is an easier and better way. One I think you might be aware of.

I recommend writing articles about things in which you have lots of knowledge in, areas of expertise where you are either an expert or borderline expert. Many companies and professionals write articles or have columns in industry rags or trade journals. Some write articles in their newspapers. But the very best way I have found to get the word out is this fast growing really cool company called EzineArticles.com where you can post your articles for free and people from all over the world come to see them and often reprint them on their websites , their company newsletters, the ezines and even read them on the Radio. This is especially good for someone like me, who has the perfect face for radio as I was once told by a former girlfriend.

Since it costs no money to post you can post as many articles as you would like. So I tried it at first by posting 2 articles and I was surprised when I searched "ME" on the Internet and found someone else liked my articles and posted them on their websites. So then, I thought; HA so I posted 10 more. Wow, again I saw three of my new articles on the Internet and people actually contacted my business within only 4 days. So, I posted some more. Then I got addicted, because it is so fun. So over the next 8 weeks, I posted 1000 articles. Today. I have searched and found at least one of my articles on about 45 websites, but I am sure it is much more, those are just the ones I could find. And in that time all my articles total have received 85,000 hits or views. I have had so many people contact my business, I had to take my website off the bottom my articles. But they still find me. I travel so much; I can not call everyone back. HELP. It works too good.

As a writer I am not very good really, but each time I write an article I get better and actually some people like my articles even though my writing skills are not so great. I think everyone for their business should write one article per day at least so that they will have 30 articles per month and in no time they will be getting contacted by people all over the world who might like to do business with them. That is how it works you see, I know because they keep contacting ME.

I can not believe the power of writing articles on the Internet. I wish I knew about this sooner. If I can do this and I am not even a writer really then you can too. I still do not believe it, you have to admit it is pretty cool. But each article brings me business and in 8-weeks I already have 85,000 hits and hundreds and hundreds of stars next to my articles on EzineArticles.com people actually like what I wrote? Cool. All these people are coming to my websites and my Internet traffic has gone up a lot.

Each article brings me new contacts and since I have posted 1000 articles; that is 1000 ways I improved my business. I am averaging over 2700 article views per day now and that is almost 1 million article views per year; it works, 1 million people will read my articles in the coming year. Write more articles everyone, increase your business today, what would you do with one million potential new customers? I think I will write some more articles tomorrow. Think about it


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