Do you suffer with hand or elbow pain? Do you know you are not alone? There are literally thousands of people in the same boat.
I started typing on an old manual typewriter in high school many years ago. I was in typing class and I remember completing the exercises of the key placement and stretches. The numbers and symbols were harder because you had to reach.
When years later I was working in a doctor's office my wrist started to ache. I made my first orthopedic doctor's visit regarding hand pain. I was then given a cortisone injection and the problem resolved itself for years.
Now keying on a computer day in and day out for years my hand pain had returned with a vengeance.
After several hand surgeries on both hands I consider my hands "delicate".
Many years ago my sister in law a hand therapist told me to fold a towel and place it under my keyboard.
I tried that but I found that it did not give me the cushioning I needed when touching the keyboard. I finally found a pad that worked. I cut it from a larger pad that was used for something completely different.
It worked!
I noticed the difference in my hand pain immediately. I could key on a computer for hours longer and the pain was never as severe as it was in the past.
I use an ergonomic keyboard at home and it makes a huge difference when typing for hours.
The only other option that doctor's love to tell you is to wear a hand splint. If you have ever worn a hand splint you know that I was not a happy camper.
Now I do not wear hand splints and my hand pain is severely reduced.
I know there are thousands of men, women, and children who are suffering from hand and elbow pain from continuing keying on their computer keyboards.
My suggestion is to try a pad under your keyboard. What can it hurt?
Remember keying on a keyboard is like hitting a brick wall with your hands.
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Copyright 2006 Linda Meckler