Cryptocurreny - The Future of Money

What is Bitcoin?

Answer: Bitcoin is a digital Product, (Payment Method / currency / Commodity / Digital Gold) which was created in 2009.

Who owns Bitcoin?

Answer: Bitcoin is a network. It is not owned by one person or a bank. The creator of Bitcoin is named Satoshi Nakamodo.

How does Bitcoin value grow?

Answer: There are many factors which determine the value of Bitcoin, below are the main two factors which effect its growth once launched into the open market:

1. One of the factors is Usability of the coin - Bitcoin has over 250'000 merchants, the more Bitcoin is accepted and worldwide used the more its value increases.

2. Supply and demand- Only 21million Bitcoins can ever be generated, however the demand is increasing. This is having a positive effect on the value of Bitcoin. There are other factors that influence the price of Bitcoin, below I will state a few Government regulations, media impact, more acceptance, technological changes and advances, endorsements.

How Bitcoin works?

Answer: Bitcoin is an internet based currency which assures financial independence. It is used and traded the smart way; using your smart phone or computer. This is like having your own bank in your pocket.

Is Bitcoin the only digital product?

Answer: No Bitcoin was the first since the 700 other digital journals have been created and are globally used / accepted. However Bitcoin is the GOLD standard of digital products. It is the one which holds most credibility. In order to purchase any other digital currency one must purchase Bitcoin first.

Can Bitcoin be converted into normal local currency?

Answer: Yes and you now can go to an ATM locally and buy Bitcoin or withdrawal local currency.

What is Bitcoin trading?

Answer: Trading simply means to buy low and sell high. The same concept is applied in Bitcoin trading, we have an intelligent system which 24/5 watches the Bitcoin market and automatically captures when the Bitcoin is at its decrease then increase, the system buys and sells FOR YOU on YOUR behalf. The result is you making healthy profits on a daily basis.

You get paid in BITCOINS!

What are the returns / profits from this investment?

Answer: All profits are made in Bitcoins. This expansion is through our trading operations and profits are generated on daily basis. Based on any Invested amount for the tenure of 8 - 12 Months, the profits will be on average of 70% to 90% in the form of Bitcoins. Considering the fact that Bitcoin prices increase over time with increase in demand, the profits in fiat currency will be even higher.

What are the benefits of telling family and friends?

Answer: We encourage our investors to share their experience with their business circle. Any referred enrolment will guarantee the commission of 10% from invested amount

How profits will be paid to investors?

Answer: The Profits will be generated on daily basis but can be shared on Weekly or Monthly basis as required, and can be transferred in investor's bank account. The main profits are in the form of Bitcoins but we will convert these profits to fiat currency as per market value for transfer.


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