Empower Employees to Keep Customers Happy

Modern day technological advances are definitely making my life easier. I can recall scoffing at an article I read years ago saying there would come a time when we would pull up to the gas pump, insert a card and fill the tank and drive away without ever seeing a clerk. Hah! Now I find I enjoy the convenience.

I am a fan of the big multi pump operations with bright lights and a host of snacks inside, should I desire. The other day I noticed on of my favorite stops had changed hands and brands.

After filling up, the little monitor said "see clerk inside for receipt". Receipts are important to my
record keeping so I trudged inside.

There was no one in sight. After a minute or so a sleepy looking girl came out of the back.

"Hep u?" she slurred.

"I need a receipt on number 5."

She sighed heavily and started pressing buttons.

"Is that because the machine is out of paper out there?" I asked.

"I do not have a clue, buddy" was her reply as she handed me the slip of paper and disappeared through the door to the mysteries of the back.

I have a clue. I do not have to go back. There are hundreds of stores. The new owners have failed to empower employees with the responsibility to make customers happy and want to come back.

There are many places like that. At minimum wage, and most only pay that, employees will still do what management expects. If you expect them to be cheerful and helpful, they will be.

Even the giant Wal-Mart set a rule that if a customer asked where to find something, the "associate" was to walk them clear across the store, if necessary, to point out the correct location.

It worked for a while, now many stores are back to the "I dunno, that's not my department" answer.

Every employee, even those who rarely deal with your customers should be empowered to keep them happy.

Empowered to make it right. Look at the long term. How much is a customer worth? How much would it cost if the employee actually got something away to make a customer happy?

Every employee should be empowered to correct a wrong, or discount a problem without a call to New York City.

"No tops for the coffee cups?" I asked at a small town convenience store. I was the only one in the store and I really wanted a cup of coffee. The place looked inviting. It was all lit up and inside was clean and shiny. And it smelled good.

"They promised me 20 minutes ago a messenger would bring some of our other store. Get a big cup and fill it only half way up and it will not slosh out."

She was smiling and I liked the idea, so with a half a cup I went to the counter. "How much?"

"No charge, enjoy" she said with a smile. "I promise to have lids next time."

What did that cost the company? Pennies. But I am a customer for life. She was empowered to make a decision. And I made a decision to come back often. Are your employees empowered?

Think about it.


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