How To Choose A Ghost Writer For Your Article Marketing Efforts

Article marketing can be one of the very best methods for creating traffic and back links to your site. Just like everything though, you can find experts, and you can find novices. Sometimes it's just better to go with the expert and utilize their experience and skills, while you work on yours.

How do you choose an article writer to create your articles for you?

The first thing to do is ask for samples. Any writer worth anything will have a diverse portfolio of work they have done for themselves or others. Take a look at the writing style, and how does the article is crafted, does their writing style work with yours? Do they know how to properly craft an article? Are the samples free of spelling and grammar errors? Do the samples hold your attention to the very end?

Also be sure to ask about their experience in your specific niche.

If it is something they have written plenty of times on, you're going to have a better chance of receiving articles that work for your niche. Every niche has different styles and methods of articles that work for that niche specifically. Having a writer with experience in your niche, gives them a much better insight, and you'll end up with much better articles as a result.

The next thing you should ask for, or seek is testimonials from past clients. Knowing how others felt about the service received and the quality of the articles, can help you make a more informed decision about whether or not to proceed with that writer. Often times writers will even have the contact information of past clients so you can contact the client directly, instead of assuming that the testimonials are legitimate and from real people.

Another thing you should consider is the cost. Some writers who are just starting out will offer articles at lower prices. One thing you should keep in mind, especially when it comes to writing, is that you often get what you pay for. Therefore, sometimes it is in your best interest to go with a higher priced writer, as they are worth the extra money.

You should also contact the writer and ensure that they have time in their calender for your project, especially if your project has some form of time constraint to it.

Some say writers are a dime a dozen. Others will disagree. Often times you'll get what you pay for, so keep that in mind next time you seek someone to craft articles for you.


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