How to Create the Life You Want in 2015

If you're like me you've probably tried everything to create the life of your dreams. You start endless diets to get the body you want. You try endless business opportunities trying to create the income you want so you can finally get rid of a job you hate. Maybe you just want to find the partner you've always wanted, and you're starting to despair about ever settling into a relationship that makes you happy.

Regardless of how many personal development books you've read or dreamed you've attended, you're still missing that secret key. You have the right mindset. Now it's time to have a plan.

The 100 Day Challenge by Gary Ryan Blair will give you the plan you need. It contains all the tips and tools you need to get to the next level in your life.

There are many reasons why the 100 Day Challenge might be right for you. First, it does not take very long to do each day. You get a new lesson every day you can listen to, watch or just read. It only takes a few minutes.

There are several different tools you can use to help you stay on track. These include the Accountability Coach and the Accountability Clock. The Coach reminds you each morning, or whenever you set it, to do your lessons. The Accountability Clock allows you to create a clock as your Wallpaper that will remind you of each of your goals and when they are due. This tool is fully customizable, and you may set as many goals as you want as a reminder.

If you want an app for your phone, there are phone apps for both Android and iOS, which make it convenient for you to stay on track with what you are doing. For further accountability there's a forum so you can get the support you need and connect with others who are doing the challenge. Additional motivational videos and wallpapers remind you about your goals.

The best part of this program is that you have plenty of tools to help you reach your goals without getting overwhelmed. My favorite is the list building tool where you create a list of goals to accomplish that day. Create the list and then have it sent to your email where you can consult it during the day or add it to your calendar.

With a new year approaching, there is no better time to start this program and finally reach your goals. It contains all the tools and motivation you need to be successful in the new year. If you are looking for a simple way to reach your goals, this is the best place to start.


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