How-To - Transferring Songs Between Your iPod and Computer

Transferring songs from your iPod to your desktop PC is simple as long as you adjust a few settings on both devices. Following these steps will make it easy to transfer files in no time.

1. Connect the iPod cable to your device and the desktop. Run the iTunes software which will either appear manually, or could be done manually also.

2. Click to cancel the file synchronization process so your music will not get accidently deleted. After the process is canceled, then click on the name of your iPod found in the window to the left of the screen.

Doing this will reveal all the details about your iPod, such as your device name, how much memory it has and other options that are on your machine. Once you highlight the device, select the option that will allow your to manage these files manually.

3. Look for the option Enable Disk Usage, which is located at the bottom of your iPod. Doing this will allow you to browse files on your device like you could on the desktop. After this, disconnect your device from the computer and then these settings will be saved for future use.

4. You need to change some options in Windows to be able to see hidden files and folders. Double click on the My Computer tab and then on Tools. Then select Folder Options and then the View option on the top. To see hidden files, simply click on the Show Hidden Folders tab and then click apply.

5. Reconnect your iPod to your desktop PC, and this time you will notice a removable storage disk icon for the first time. This is your iPod, and it will make it easy to look through your files.

Now go to the iPod Control folder and inside there will be a Music folder. This contains all the music files that are on your device. Just copy the folder back to your personal computer.

Following these simple tricks will make it possible to transfer files from your iPod to PC in no time flat.


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