Make Fast Gold in WoW - Enchant Your Way to More Money

If you have chosen enchanting as your profession, you can make fast gold in WoW in a couple different ways. Enchanting is a challenging, but highly rewarding career choice. Once you get the hang of this difficult profession, you can earn a substantial amount of money through the game. The two main ways for you to get more gold are by disenchanting items and by enchanting items for other players.

Disenchanting items allows you to break down enchanted items into components such as dust, shards, and essences. You can do this on a variety of items, including armor, weapons, high quality or "green" items, rare or "blue" items, and epic or "purple" items. To make fast gold in WoW by disenchanting, you should head to the auction house to look for green items that are selling for low prices. After you have disenchanted these items, you can sell the components at the auction house for a higher price per item than what you originally paid for the enchanted item.

How can you tell if the green items at the auction house are selling at bargain prices? If you're not familiar with how the auction house works or do not feel comfortable taking a chance on spending too much money on a green item, you can use the Enchantrix AddOn to help you out. Enchantrix will let you know what the green items currently up for sale at the auction house will give you once they are disenchanted. This way you can be sure that you will be making more money selling the disenchanted components compared to what you would pay for the green item in the first place. This will allow you to make fast gold in WoW since you will be immediately aware of whether you are looking at a good deal or not.

One of the challenges you will face as an enchanter is being skilled enough to sell your services. You will have to explain to your potential clients how they would benefit from having you perform a certain enchantment, and you will need to convince them that it will be well worth their money. Plan on spending your time in the major cities, since this is where you stand the best chance of selling enchantments. Weekends are generally the best times to do this since there are a higher number of players around. At these times you stand a better chance to make fast gold in WoW since you are more likely to be able to sell your enchantments. Also, if you notice too many other enchanters trying to sell their services, it's best to move to a different city and try your luck there.

Although enchanting can be a tough profession, it can also make you wealthy. Once you become familiar with locating bargain deals on green items at the auction house and comfortable enough with your salesmanship skills in order to sell your enchanting services, you will find that you are able to make fast gold in WoW.


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