Making Money Is Important

Money was initially created so that a person could acquire more through exchange than what he could acquire trying to produce everything for himself. No doubt, this has allowed the average person to be able to enjoy other goods and services that only the wealthy could enjoy. Throughout his labor he could not only supply his basic needs but he could now enjoy higher standards of living. Here, it is the need to provide for the family's basic needs that make money important and it is the desire for improved standards of living that drives people to want to make more and more of it.

It can be argued that almost every problem that man (mankind) has, can either be solved, or gone with money. Money provides the best education, the best health care, the best dental care, the best cars, the best foods to eat, the best vacations to go on ... and the list goes on.

The undeniable proof however, of the importance of money, is the staggering statistics on world poverty. According to World Bank statistics 1.4 billion people live on less than $ 1.25 per day; 1 billion children live in poverty; 640 million live without adequate shelter; 270 million have no access to health services; and nearly a billion people entered the 21st century unable to read a book or sign their names. These facts are mind-boggling.

We the privileged few few before have a responsibility not only to ourselves but to the world to get serious about making not just money but lots of money and to teach others to do the same. That's the only way that we'll make a serious impact over time in reducing those statistics. It is all well and good to give billions of dollars in aid annually, but billions also need to be given to financial education.


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