Successful Organizations - Five Keys to a Successful Organization

Many companies long to learn the secret to success. While business has many critical aspects - from vision to strategic planning to customer service - the one that is often given the least attention, yet can be the most expensive, is people.

Your people have the ability to drive customers to you or away from you. To make work fun and simple, or miserable and riffled with issues. They can cause problems or save time and money with their creative solutions. What's a company to do?

Here are 5 keys to make your Organization Successful:

1. Hire the right people - when it comes to hiring, many organizations miss the mark by:

  • Failing to identify and agree upon the position requirements
  • Neglecting to plan
  • Asking illegal questions
  • Asking few follow-up or clarification questions
  • Succumbing to the pressure to fill the position
  • Letting individual biases and stereotypes get in the way
2. Give them the tools to do a good job - Put yourself in your employees' shoes. Would you be able to do a better job if:

  • You had a faster computer?
  • There was a file cabinet for pertinent documents?
  • The printer / copier was close to your desk?
  • You had a database program to track customers?
  • There were bins to organize inventory parts?
  • You had some help developing a report to track tasks?
  • The supplies were not locked up and you did not have to requisition every paperclip?
3. Provide them with positive, constructive feedback - many companies have a formal performance review process, but rarely use it. Constructive feedback is one of the best ways to grow a company! People want to know:

  • Know they are doing a good job.
  • Understand what and how they should improve.
  • Understand how they affect company success.
  • Know how they can affect their status and pay.
  • Learn how they can get ahead in the company.
  • Be heard and appreciated for their efforts.
  • Have open dialogue with their managers.
  • Have input into their goals.
4. Develop them - Keep in mind, companies do not grow; companies are not entities that can grow by themselves. A company can improve productivity, gain new customers, capture new markets, acquire new technology, increase efficiencies, develop creative approaches, increase profitability, etc., but only through one prime ingredient - it's people. Invent in their continued learning and they will help the company grow.

5. Reward them - How do you reward your people for doing a good job? Most would say money, right? Yes, people want to make a good living and be well paid for the job they do. That's a given. But money is only part of the equation! Different things motivate different people, learn what is important to your people and reward them appropriately.

Keep in mind - the number one reason employees leave their jobs is due to a poor boss. They stay because of good leadership that recognizes the needs of the people, and provides praise and recognition.

Remember, companies do not change and grow. . . people do! So be sure to reward and recognize the behaviors you want to see. Catch people in the act of doing things right and reward them on the spot with a heartfelt "thank you"!


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