The Problem Of Obesity In Teenagers

Obesity in teenagers is a growing problem that has become worse in recent times, and the rates are growing every year. The America is a top leader in obesity in teenagers. Some report indicated that as many 33% of teenagers are now obese. It is believed that more than 25% of schools are overweight and in fact, obese, and near a fourth of them are at risk of getting heart disease, diabetes, stroke as well as possibly early death. The worse thing is that according to research study conducted on obesity in teenagers, it was found that teenagers aged from ten to thirteen would have an 80% chance of becoming obese adults.

What are the possible causes for Obesity?

Obesity in teens may result when the teenager has more than 10% extra weight over that what is recommended weight for that particular height. Obesity in child and teenagers will occur when their total energy intake is greater than the total energy expended, which is the energy the child or teenager's uses during physical exercise or activity. There are quite a few factors to consider when looking at the problem.

Family history

If there is a family history of obesity the chances are high the teenager will also develop obesity ... With parents over prepare food, imbalance diet or both parents are working and no time to prepare food, all this may lead to develop poor eating habits for the teenagers when they left to their own devices.


As the times pass, the way we prepare food and the frequency has varied, and it is much different from the way our ancestors do. Back then, our ancestors cooked from scratch, but now fast food restaurants and quick fix meals are available everywhere, simply just dial a number will do. Some research studies show that teenagers will eat an average of four meal of fast food per week. This will lead to the list of causes is unhealthy eating habits and poor food choices.


Teenagers are under tremendous peer pressure at school and in their everyday lives. There may be stressful events in the teenager's life such as death, divorce, or even abuse. Many teenagers react to stress by overeating. On top of that, it may also result in not only other peoples putting them down, but also his / her own self-esteem taking a hit. It has been found that a large percentage of overweight teenagers are thought to be clinically depressed. While depression can often cause overeating, usually being obese can also cause depression. Depression can lead to low self-esteem, and if the problem left untreated, it can lead to teen suicide.

Medical & Psychologically

There may also be medical problems which require the teenagers to take medication such as steroids, although medical problems represent only about 1% of teenager obesity. Overweight adolescents in particular, may not be as affected physically as psychologically with them becoming targets of ridicule, taunts, as well as poor treatment meted out to them by other teenager at school as well as in the community.

Lack of exercise

Today's lifestyle is much different from ten year ago, with modern technology and fast food offers little to improve one's health. Now a day, the teenagers are so immersive in spending whole day and night in front of computers, game box or any gaming console playing their love game. Some teenagers can sit and watch television while text messaging their good friends. Many teenagers now own a car so the chance for walking is also reduce.

Searching For Relief

Obesity in teenagers is literal taking years off of their life. They are setting the stage for type II diabetes, cardiovascular disease, and breathing and high blood pressure problems. The treatment for Obesity in teens should focus on long-term changes to diet, regular exercise, and family support should be forthcoming if the teenagers are to avoid dramatic swings in body weight. It is essential for parents to get a handle on this problem before it gets worse.

Balance diet

To control obesity in teenagers, the teenagers may need to take a healthy as well as balanced die. Putting a child on a diet is impossibility. The medical profession does not recommend because they are still growing and need plenty of nutrients to develop strong bones. Dieting also leads to failure because not many people who can stick with a diet for life. When we are preparing meals at home be sure to choose foods that have a high nutritional content. Try to keep away from processed and fried foods. Do not try to take away foods the children love; allow the children to eat those foods on a less frequent basis. Denying a child's favorite fast foods will only lead to failure. Get the teenagers involved in preparing the meal. Coach them to make the correct choices, balanced meal without sacrificing on taste.

Regular Exercise

Obesity in children is often the result of too little exercise. Regular exercise is considered to be as important as good nutrition. If children are encouraged to develop regular exercise during their childhood, they have a much better chance of taking it with them into adulthood. Get them involved in some kind of physical activity such as gardening, cleaning the house or washing the car. Take part in some kind of outdoor sports, like swimming, playing basket ball or hiking on the local nature trails.

Support from Family

It is important to remember to show your support. Obesity in teens is a serious problem and parents, family members need to tackle this problem with consistency love and support. Reinforce the need for a healthy lifestyle, and remember to offer rewards and praise when the teens reach the goals. Keeping your children healthy gives them the best chance of living a healthy and long life.


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