Five Traits of a Sales DealMaker

What does a real Dealmaker actually look like? If you're lucky, you'll have one in your team, but can you spot them in the recruitment process? In my research while training, coaching and consulting in the project homes building industry, I have discovered the differences between DealMakers and the poor or inconsistent performers.


There appears to be a level of confidence which all DealMakers have in common. Below this, and they are hesitant to probe too deeply and are not strong closers. Above this, they border on arrogance and are extremely difficult to train as they already think they know best. In fact, they don't think they know, they know they know. Confidence and self-esteem which are too high results in impatience. They get impatient with people very quickly and tend to burn people off and move on. They can also be very critical, and don't think for a moment that this doesn't show in their body language. They can do well however, with hard-nosed business people or no-nonsense investors.

Overly Optimistic

In almost all cases, the DealMakers were over-optimistic of what they can achieve. They will shoot for the stars and expect to get them. Combined with a strong confidence, being overly optimistic seems to lead to increased bouncability and resilience. Add overly optimistic to someone with less confidence and you get less resilience if things don't go their way. It's easier to burst their balloon.

Sales Traits

These three sales traits can be measured- the Persuade, the softer of the traits and indicates a willingness to attempt to change people's minds; the Confront, the problem-solving trait which is usually what people with a technical background use to sell; and the Persist, the trait where they will not give up. Needless to say, all the real DealMakers I have profiled usually have at least two of the sales traits, most are blessed with all three. But some combine a couple of the traits with strong people skills, fuelled with a strong motivation to succeed.


Most of the top DealMakers have natural empathy. This means that people warm and trust them quickly, they build relationships fast, an important trait if you are in a display home. They will also be able to read body language and know almost instinctively how and when to change their approach to get the right result. However, unlike their softer 'Nice Guy' Consultants, they will not let the relationship stand in the way of a deal. They will be upfront about problems but be extremely confident of helping the client solve any problems or obstacles which stand in the way.


The sale process in the building industry is a complex one. And when you add large sums of money and often people's lack of financial intelligence, the insecurity and uncertainty go through the roof. The average person can be indecisive and therefore needs a Consultant who can guide them through the decision-making process. If a Consultant is indecisive, their approach will reflect their own indecisiveness.

It is not uncommon for me to identify someone who does have the sales traits but may have a large number maybe's or unsure answers. Listen to their language as you interview them - are they definite or unsure on their goals. Can they tell you specifically what they are aiming for this year. To date, I have not seen anyone indecisive about themselves and their goals, become a real DealMaker unless they become much more decisive. If they can't tell you specifically and clearly what they want, the chances are they will accept clients indecisiveness as well.

What they're not.

Everybody's friend. It's interesting to note that many of the DealMakers can rub people up the wrong way. This may mean that they may be too assertive for some other internal departments - remember, they won't let relationships get in the way of a deal. But when it comes to clients, they have the people skills to read what is required, and explain away why they are being so strong in their approach. If you don't like their approach, guess what, they don't care. This attitude alone might get you to back off hiring them. Big mistake if you are looking for a DealMaker.

Most of the DealMakers I have interviewed were not organised, and again, cared less. If they cause problems for other departments, that's their problem. DealMakers can talk their way out of those kinds of problems so don't tend to worry about them. Accurate paperwork is simply not a priority for them.

And, they're not good listeners. Actually, they will listen to what ever they think is going to lead to a deal ie a client. But if you're prattling on about systems, paperwork or teamwork, don't expect them to care or remember what you say.

So, they will care about their clients above all else, the deal is everything and they will rub some people up the wrong way and care less. Reckon you can get past this in order to hire a real DealMaker?


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