Is It Always Love at First Sight When You Have a Baby?

Finding out that you're going to have a baby is an exciting feeling especially if you've been trying so hard and for so long. You have a wide array of emotions that fills you with everything from joy to anxiety. These are all natural emotions because your hormones are going to have a field day with your body over the next nine months.

You will feel the baby grow inside you. Each month you will discover something new and encounter a new milestone. The biggest stone at first is when you feel your baby move for the first time. At first it will feel like little flutters or bubbles in your belly. Then you will feel solid movements in the form of bumps against the wall of your uterus. The baby is moving his or her arms and legs.

You will find out whether you are having a boy or a girl. This will fill you with excitement and you'll have so many ideas as to what the baby room will look like, what the name will be, and what kind of person they will grow up to be. Life is exciting and new. You and your partner are looking forward to the arrival of the baby.

Then the day arrives when the baby is born. The newborn is handed to you. Crying with all their might, the doctor hands him or her to you for a quick peak before they clean them up. You're not sure what to feel. Many women do feel love at first sight and are overjoyed with seeing their little one. But there are many other women who do not get this feeling at first sight and that's okay. They see their little one for the first time and, for some odd reason, they are underwhelmed. After the long wait and the fertility treatments , you thought you'd feel differently. After the baby is cleaned and dressed, the nurses bring him or her to you. You may feel a wild rush of emotions and you just want to cuddle and hold this little human that came out of you. If you do not feel this, do not worry about it. Not every woman feels that love at first sight emotion. You know there is a connection but it's not of undying love.

Over the next few days, the love will grow. And if you are breastfeeding, this emotion will grow stronger because of the amount hormones flowing through your body. An unconditional love for your little one will grow. It will be so strong that nothing can break it.


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