Top 5 Best Flash Websites Ever

5: NEOSTREAM Interactive

This is a great multimedia company with very nice animations. The preloader is great to watch and when it's finished the fun really begins. The main figure on the page waits when you press a button but it's so much fun to wait a second and hit the figure with your mouse a few times. If you're ready (after a few minutes hitting), press a button and watch all the different animations. Because of the nice animations I had to click all the links one by one. A very nice flash website which deserves a number 5 place.

4: 2Advanced Studios

Who doesn't know this website. I guess this is the most discussed website ever. Maybe most people think this is number 1 ever but I think differently because they didn't update the site graphics for a long time. I think they need a new update with a complete new style and layout. Still, the idea and graphics are fabulous. Also the scripting behind it is advanced and nicely done. It loads very fast for a huge site like this one. Love this one, definitely a number 4 position in my top 5 best flash websites ever.

3: IamStudios

Yeah a dutch company in the list. Welcome to, a really original concept and layout. When you enter the website, you see a fun 3d animation of a dog with a speakerhead. After you clicked on the button that you use to enter the flash website, the dog starts animating (very smooth). When the site is loaded, each button gives you a wonderful animation. I really love the 3d work here and the beautiful "white" look. I'm really proud this site comes from the Netherlands. The overall look is very impressive so a number 3 for this doggy.

2: DerBauer Audio Visual Media

Welcome to DerBauer, a website from Marcus Bussejahn. This classic website is one of the best websites I've ever seen, actually THE BEST but unfortunately I don't really like the latest layout. Especially the menu doesn't look great in my opinion. 5 years ago derbauer was unique and original. Nowadays there are much better ones but because of it's history and quality it's for sure a number 2 position. BTW, when you opened the site, there is an Easter egg when you do nothing for a few minutes, very nice! Are you afraid?

1: MGM Grand Entertainment

I know....this site is not famous and perhaps you don't like it but I think this site is so original that I had to put it on number one! Enter the world of MGM Grand. Press the "Enter Maximum Vegas" button and start the tour. This is not really a flash animation site but a flash video site. With Adobe Flash 8 and later, it's easy to integrate video in your website. MGM did it in a special way. They shot one video animation and loops it. You can stop the video with the navigation on the lower right corner. When you do that, the video fast forward to the certain location and stops the video there. Then the flash animation comes into place and you can read the information. I never saw this concept before. This is my best site ever, a really 2008 website made with the latest technology available for websites these days.


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