Why Does My Cat Bite Me First Then Lick Me?

If you're a cat owner you'll sometimes be puzzled by your cats behavior, especially when they give you a nip or bite and then lick you straight afterwards. This kind of behavior is very normal among cats as it's regarded as a sign of affection and not aggression. What your feline friend is trying to tell you is, they Love You, it's their way of giving you a kiss!

Sometimes their cat kisses can seem more like a bite or a sharp pinch which can hurt. Remember don't get angry at your cat as you can confuse the poor puss. If your feline friend gives a firm love bite than just be firm and say No! In time your cat will understand it's still OK to show affection but not to cause you pain.

The reason they do this is not to hurt you, they are simply kissing you like they would normally kiss another cat. Because cats have thick fur and their nerve endings in their skin aren't close to the skins surface like ours, they need to nip harder in order to express their affection.

For a cat, this type of affection is quite acceptable, but as a pet owner it's not the most pleasant experience being bitten. To stop this type of behavior you can train your cat not to bite, although this can take some time, patience and persistence before you can control this habit or stop it completely.

Although most cats enjoy affection try not to caress them too much as this can over excite them. An over excited kitty will exhibit many tell tale signs like purring, rubbing against you, chirping and a stiff tail that can quiver. Cats that are over excited usually can't control their emotions, so be prepared in case your cat wants to give you a kiss.

Make sure when you approach your cat too look at their tail first, as their tail is like their mood detector. Remember if their tail is quivering with excitement avoid contact as you might end up with a love bite.

Approach your cat when it's in a good mood, their tail will look calm and only the tip will gently move. On the other hand if they're unhappy their tail will flick from side to side, it's always best to avoid contact with them until they return in a better mood.

Living in harmony with your cat is possible, just try to be aware of their mood swings and if they do bite and lick you (kiss you) remember it's there way of saying I love you.


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