Bible Verses to Help You Deal With the Fear of Mesothelioma Survival Rates

Mesothelioma survival rates are extremely low because this type of cancer has a long latency period (between 20 and 50 years) and so the disease is typically diagnosed when it has already done a lot of damage to the body.

The short life expectancy scares some mesothelioma patients who feel that once they are diagnosed with this type of cancer, then it means that they will die within one or two years.

However, there are people who live with this disease for many years, some for as long as 15 years and more.

So if you are one of the mesothelioma patients who get scared when they see or hear about these rates, here are some Bible versions that can help you to deal with such fear.

1. Cry To Jehovah For Help
"Hear my cry, O God, listen to my prayer; from the end of the Earth I call to Thee, when my heart is fault. tower against the enemy. " (Psalm 61: 1-3).

Spend minutes and hours each day pouring out your heart to the LORD and ask Him to grant you mercy and grace so that you can live for many more years and enjoy the company of your spouse, children, and friends. When you do that, the LORD, who has promised to hear our prayers and to answer us (John 16:24), and who heart softens at the cry of the suffering, will comfort you and lead you to a place where there is tranquility : He will let the Holy Spirit strengthen your inner man and that will make you experience calmness in your soul.

2. God Is Holding You So Do Not Fear
"For I, the LORD your God, hold your right hand; it is I who say to you," Fear not, I will help you. "(Isaiah 41:13).

In this verse, the LORD assures you that He has got you covered: He will guide you each day of your life and prevent evil from destroying you. He will not allow the mesothelioma to cut your life short on Earth. He will not let the mesothelioma cancer metastasize and reduce your life expectancy. He will give your doctors and the nurses who are taking care of you the wisdom and skills that they need to take good care of you so that you will live long. He will let the surgery, chemotherapy, and radiation therapy work so that you can see an improvement in your condition. Therefore, remind yourself often that these are the words of the great I AM and trust God's word above the negative words you hear from friends, family, neighbors, and medical personnel telling you that those who have mesothelioma do not live for a long time.

3. Believe In The Lord
"Let not your hearts be troubled; believe in God, believe also in Me." (John 14: 1).

Do not fret and raise your blood pressure unnecessarily because of those rates that you have been listening about in the media. Do not get scared when you hear the experts discussing how bad the situation is, or how bleak the prospects are regarding a cure for mesothelioma in the next few years. Believe in God with all your heart. Believe His promises and quote them every day.

Believe that He is good all the time and trust that He will keep you from day to day and renew your strength so that you can fulfill your purpose on earth.

Believe that the faithful God who made Methuselah live for 969 years can make you too live for 90 years or 100 years or even long you want to live on Earth, because the fact that you have mesothelioma.

4. Throw Your Fears And Worries On Him
"Cast all your anxieties on Him, for He cares about you." (1 Peter 5: 7).

The Oxford Advanced Learner's Dictionary defines the word cast as, "to throw something, especially certainly or with force."

So, do not pet and pamper those negative thoughts that come into your mind and torment you from day to day. Throw them at the LORD. Tell Him you do not want those thoughts to destroy your peace of mind and so you want Him to help you get rid of them.

Furthermore, assertively, make affirmations such as these every day, "LORD, I give all these bad thoughts that are making me feel miserable to You. Take them away, Lord! Give me peace of mind. good things will happen and not the terrible things I often imagine. LORD, wipe away these frightening thoughts! LORD, give me mental relief so that I can feel happy. "

Mesothelioma survival rates can induce fear in some patients. However, when you take authority over negative thoughts with God's word, your anxiety and fear will reduce and you will be able to enjoy each day better.


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