Extend Your Garage Door's Service With Simple Maintenance

Maintenance and service are important to prolong the use of your devices. If you can keep it long-repeating then you are actually saving your money. Maintaining garage door opener is not difficult. We have some tips below that you can apply.

There is one important thing you should keep in mind. If you find some problems, repair them soon. Or, if you have no time to do it now, then leave the garage door opener non-active until you are ready to do the repair. Firstly, uninstall the opener from the door. You can do manual operation temporarily until it is repaired.

Then you need to do some checking on the door, find whether it is still in balance or not. Check the tracks. If you find some disordered tracks, just straighten them by loosing the screws which keep the tracks to brackets or those which secure the brackets to the opening part. Fix the track with some fasteners so that it keeps on its place.

You can take some cloth or soft brush to clean the tracks. Pick some automotive degreaser and spray it on the tracks. After that, rub them with the cloth. It is important to clean the tracks to ease the door's move. Also, we strongly suggest that you get some lubricant and apply it to the roller-wheel bearings. You can find special lubricant for garage door easily at home store.

If there is a problem on the sensor, repair it soon. Firstly, you need to reset the unit. Shut it off for a while. Then restore the electricity to the door opener. Also, you can check the wiring which connects the sensor to the opener and see if they get loose connections. Or, you might consider using a voltmeter to do this testing. It is strongly recommended that you soon replace the broken parts. Hopefully, this article can be useful for you to have garage door with best service. You can do it by your self that you do not need to ask any service and maintenance agency.


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