Self-Security - The Key to Money Congruency

Whatever your financial situation right now, and yet you feel about it, never forget it is just a circumstance and can be changed in the twinkling of an eye, by a change of perspective.

Now, many people seem to be subject to the idea that there is a recession. But we are only ever subject to a circumstance in our life when we have not yet realized (or have forgotten) our own empowerment. And if we are entirely 'subject' to something, that thing is our 'ruler'.

To some people, this may be a shocking statement. How can we ignore the recession? Your reaction to this question may well explain why the recession is affecting you in the first place!

When an idea is focused upon, it becomes tangible. It literally materialises. When there is hypothesis or speculation over money, money will appear to 'move' in accordance with the speculation, be it speculation in fear or in confidence. The whole stock-market is built upon this principle. Indeed, the entire banking system is founded on this dynamic, an illusion of resources subject to the thoughts, feelings and actions (control and management) that we give those resources.

So it follows that a large number of people in fear of a recession, talking about or predicting a recession, will bring about the subject of their focus: a recession. Now, for those who are agile and canny in their financial self-preservation during a recession, any collective belief does not affect them. In fact many astute business' thrive during a recession.

In claiming our individual power as master of our universe, we can indeed turn away from an unfavorable collective experience and create an individual version (a perspective) which enables us to thrive, whatever the ambient money climate.

Thriving in just about any situation or climate, is a skill and quality which emanates from a permanent feeling of substantial 'self-security'. This feeling is the one that all human beings aspire to, whatever their circumstances, 'millionaire' or survivor.

This self-security has nothing to do with the red or black ink on bank 'statements'. Even wealthy people retain insecurities over money since a dollar evidence to the contrary. But in full emotional 'self-security', we are durably liberated to create our choicest, material life.

For people with naturally philanthropic natures and altruistic business visions, coming to terms with wealth can be very hard. People who listen to 'divine guidance' sometimes have difficulty reconciling ideals of a world-without-money, and keeping a roof over their heads. But actually, God's face shines on bank notes too! Abundance is our divine heritage and 'cash-agility' is just one aspect of it.

Most of the 'spiritual' argument is an attempt to hide the fact that people have not yet got themselves clear enough to allow the flow of money. But all altruism is better performed with millions of dollars behind it.

Availing wealth indulge the challenges of proclaiming our self-worth and the confidence required to acquire financial ease and a wealthy mindset. It becomes an excuse and self-congratulatory procrastination. And like forms of self-sabotage, if we want results we've just got to get over it!

Even ideas of money-less worlds are simply refusals to reconcile the system that we've already got. People who struggle with money can invent a million ways to avoid coming to terms with managing it. The underlying feeling of lack, or wealth that is somehow too difficult to achieve, will flow around the subconscious like a canker, eating away at hope, optimism, even desire.

But money itself, is entirely neutral!

It is purely an energy of communication, shiny enough to reflect back to you every hangup and bit of woolly thinking you can produce. Money does not have an opinion about you, but if you have one about money, you can be sure it will respond!

Some say that if you do the inner work the rest will take care of itself. In many cases this is true. The changes must indeed come from inside. However understanding that fact 'intellectually' and not being able to permanently access positive feelings about wealth, nor see the tangible results, will create continuous inner conflict. Even reading and studying wealth books is not sufficient. Nobody else can make us rich but us!

It was with 3 bankruptcies behind me (despite a very comfortable upbringing) that I carefully set out to eradicate conflict and to cultivate the emotional congruency required to turn my life around and set my money 'default position' to one that enabled me to create the life of my dreams, and enduring serenity about both my self-worth and my money worth.

It is vital to examine if your beliefs, words, feelings and actions are congruent in regard to money.

If, subconsciously, you entertain repetitive thoughts patterns that do not serve your aspirations, or if you do not take appropriate action in spite of setting financial goals, you will not have a congruent money alignment and there will be delay in the manifestation of your money desires. Here's a useful exercise:

1. Write down your money goals for this week, month, year, 5 years. Leave the list for a day and then take it again and next to the numbers, write a spontaneous list of your very first responses as you appraise the goals. See how many of the responses are in alignment with your goals and which ones need working on.
If you do not experience surges of positive emotions with each of the goals and figures, it is clear that some part of your financial 'being' is not quite in agreement with the rest of you!

2. For one week, carry the paper around with you and see how you talk and react about money in every situation that it comes up, shopping, paying bills, selling. Check out the language that you use about the money and monitor your emotions. If you are not feeling good about money, then no amount of action or will power can change that. We must find our inner security, or 'self-security' before any other remedy. It begins with a conscious decision to cultivate the perspective and line every other part of our life up with that perspective.

Transforming insecurities about money frees us to embrace the cornucopia of abundance, which is all about us if we cultivate the right perspective. When we are embracing abundance with a jubilant emotional vibration and a bright perspective, when we are consistently not just taking action, but assuming the habits of the person we are desirous of becoming, the universe can not help itself but prove us right.

Jenni P


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