Simple Ways to Restore Your Wiper Blades

We all know that driving is being needlessly forced into being an ever increasing expense item.

Not only are cars becoming ever more expensive to purchase but the days of simply paying to use the roads and keeping yourself insured against accidents are now well gone.

Totally our own fault i'm afraid because governments have a system to introduce 'sneaky revenue raisers' slowly and strategically in order to avoid undue rejection, so their sneaky tricks have managed to slide in pay to register, pay to license, pay to stop, pay to run, pay to park, pay to go to work, pay by engine size and type, pay to buy parts and fuel and now the latest:- pay to use toll roads without refund of any existing road taxes.

It's amazing how many sneaky charges can be slipped in between the voters lives in order to feather the political or financial nests of our elected dictators.

Anyway, we are now left where we have to keep looking out for every little economy just to keep ourselves on the road at all. And if they don't get us through the cars they will catch us through public transport. Frankly it's becoming an out of hand rort at taxpayer expense.

Anyway, a lot of our funds sure pass to this cash vacuum through our purchases of necessary safety parts such as replacement brake pads, new windshield wiper blades, tires, oils and so forth. Maybe even mandatory vehicle testing is just another annual revenue raiser, although it does provide some important safety checks too?

Anyhow, the key here is to stay as safe as possible on the roads yet spend as little as you can doing so isn't it?

In which case it sure is great to see there is yet another way to hang onto a little of the old hard-earned and in doing so even help the ecology along with a ton less pollution.

Where this can be done is through a fairly simple yet totally annoying item called wiper blades, which of course nearly every method of transport has to use.

The problem with windscreen wipers is that they are fairly delicate mechanisms that wear out easily yet can be a bugger to change over due to the weathering they get, based on where they actually are positioned outside of the vehicle. They get it all.

They are also only made from a reasonably soft rubber or silicon compound due to a requirement to be just soft enough not to scratch your windscreen but stiff enough to scrape away the road grime and filth that both wet and dry weather brings onto the screen.

Wiper blades work on a system of dragging up the screen, then flipping and dragging back down again. They operate this way so that the square shoulder that they have on the blade edge can tilt and act almost with a scissor-like action to scrape the filth, grit and water away.

Unfortunately it is this very efficient action itself that causes the wiper blade edge to wear out fairly rapidly, which is where two things have to happen.

Firstly you generally would have to hunt down and purchase a new set of blades and then secondly, struggle away, often at the least convenient moment and while hacking up your fingers manage to get the old blades off and the new one on....But not stay clean too eh?

What I like most about that sentence is that it sounds oh so easy and straight-forward doesn't it? And that is the trap. I'm actually a professional engineer and yet I'll admit, I once managed to cut myself on these and I have destroyed a set trying to change them too.

So, disregarding all this pain and stress, if you appreciate the mechanics of what a wiper blade actually does and how it does it, then the entire problem can go away for you...Almost permanently.

In order to give the public the least headache and the greatest satisfaction then, just a little serious consideration provided the development of a new tool that can simply renovate and restore most windshield wiper blades to near new. Of course this flows onwards to save the extended agony of finding and fitting the darned things, plus the absolute waste that has been impacting the ecology (most blades don't need throwing away when they are). So, regardless that wiper blades are only rising in price and now often packaged to force you to buy new wiper arms and shoes with the rubber blades, this robbery can be avoided. This is called 'fabricated attrition' and it is often just an unethical revenue raiser for a certain business model.


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