Techniques For How to Make Subliminal Messages

Subliminal messages can often be used in movies, television and print media. These messages while seen by the eye are not recognized by the conscious portion of the brain. Some techniques for how to make subliminal messages are included to provide knowledge for the viewer.

The human brain does not respond consciously to motion that is faster than 1 / 30th of a second. The conscious part of the brain simply interprets faster movement as a flicker. There have been studies that show that 3 or 4 frames, which contain advertising, when inserted into a movie provoke a response by the subconscious part of the brain. This subconscious response induces a desire for the advertising that the few frames contained.

The use of subliminal advertising has in many circles been considered as an unethical practice. Studies have been conducted and no definitive answer has ever been obtained as to whether subliminal advertising really works.

Another method of subliminal advertising is the introduction of a well known product into the scene of a move or in print advertising. When this object is inserted into the scene, the object itself is not seen simply due to the fact that it is part of the background and not the object of the action or story. While the conscious part of the brain sees the action or actors, the subconscious sees the background object and responds to it. Examples of this can be a Coca Cola can or a Ford automobile in the background of the scene. The conscious sees the actors, dialogue and action. The subconscious also takes in the Coke can or the Ford automobile.

Whether or not subliminal advertising is an ethical practice or not is debatable. Proponents and detractors of subliminal advertising both exist and the debate about subliminal advertising continues. The techniques for how to make subliminal messages are available to any film or videotape editor or any stage manager in the industry.


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