Turn Your Photos Into Cash - Honest Review

Making money on the internet with digital photography is becoming way more accessible. Even beginner can make money with it. The only requirement is that you need to have a digital camera with at least 3.2 mega pixels. However, making money effectively is not that easy!

Can the e-book 'Turn Your Photos Into Cash' written by Dan Fieldman help you with this? Well, you should answer this question yourself after you've read about the positive and the negative sides.

Free Preview

What I liked about 'Turn Your Photos Into Cash' is the free preview strategy. E-Books typically do not give a sample about their content. They can not offer a free trial the way software product can. Turn your photos into cash gives you a free strategy and after that you can decide if you want the product or if you do not need to purchase it.

No Effort Means No Money

Turn your photos into cash is not a get-rich-quick scheme. The sales page might look like it makes you rich fast, but as with anything in life you must put effort into it if you want it to work. Personally I do not mind putting effort into a hobby that is very fun to do. It easier to make money with something you like, than to make money with a job you hate.

Free Image Editor

You will also get a free image editor that is suppose to let you edit your images faster. However, I found that Photoshop will work way better. This is a minor downside to 'turn your photos into cash'. I do not endorse illegal downloading, but there are a lot of image editors around, so if the free one that comes with the e-book does not suit you can always use any other editor.

The Price

The price is a bit high compared to other photography product. Turn your photos into cash costs a one-time-fee of $ 97.95. For this price you will access to the membership area, the main e-book and a lot of bonuses. You will get to know how to successfully sell images, market them properly and make better pictures. So basically you will learn both the photography aspect as well as the marketing aspect.

60-Days-Money-Back Guarantee

You do not have to provide a valid reason to request your money back. Just click on the refund button and you will get your money back. However, access to the members area will also be revoked. So you have absolutely nothing to lose if the product is not what you expected or does not suit you.


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