Comments: Playing Slot Machines - Can You Really Beat Them - Easy Does It


  • Machine Tool Safety As I look at the scar on my left index finger, I am reminded of how fast a machine tool can cause an injury. I was a teenager working in my grandmother's machine shop when it happened. I was using the large drill press to counter bore holes…
  • Getting the Most Value From Bookkeepers I learned a long time ago that if I wanted to derive value and performance from vendors, I had to set clear expectations about was important to our business, and how I wanted them to work with me. A good bookkeeper alone is no guarantee you will…
  • Money is a Mathematical and Sociological Anomaly There are two kinds of people in this world, wolves and sheep. The Wolves are those that control the fluidity of money, the people that create money and opportunities. Equally, this power also follows a basic law in nature; "Every action…
  • Life Insurance For Financial Stability of Loved Ones If you have never thought about getting insurance for your life, you need to start. A lot of people do not think that this is something they need to have either because of their age, or the point in time during their life. They also may not…
  • Top 10 Reasons For Using The Easy Email Way to Transfer Your Email If you need to transfer all emails from one computer to another, from one email client to another or from one operating system to another you can easily get a simple and easy guide needed to transfer your email. There are probably many perfectly…