Compare Cheap Car Insurance Quotes Online

The main reason you need to go on the net to rate shop is simple. First, many carriers that market their coverage on-line have direct insurance prices. This means they have a business model that excludes expensive brokers and sell polices directly to consumers. This is good news for money savers like yourself. Usually, you can find direct automobile insurance quotes that are 10% to even 15% lower than calling up an agent. The second reason why you should check web quotes is the ability to compare multiple rates super fast. You can apply at the website, and if you have any questions, a helpful representative is available to assist you anytime.

Before you go and start getting quoted, there are a couple of basic things you need to do beforehand. Get all of your personal and vehicle information together. This means the year, make model of your car and the VIN or vehicle identification number. You'll also need the name of your current insurer, home address and with some insurers, your license number. Once you have this important info ready to go, getting online car insurance quotes to compare will only take a few minutes.

Don't Feel Bad About Switching Car Insurance Companies

So many people feel guilty about changing automobile insurers. This is not some legal contract that bounds you to one insurer forever. The truth is, your policy can be canceled by the insurer at any time for many reasons like a DUI offense. So you need to have the same mindset and if you find a lower rate, do not hesitate to switch carriers. After all, you work hard for your money and have the right to change car insurance companies any time you want to. One frequent excuse for not switching; is people falsely believe they won't get refunded their pre-paid premiums. This is not true at all. If you've made a years payment in full on policy and want to switch after six months, you will get a full refund. Try a free online quoting site and if you can save more than $100 per year on coverage, it is probably worth it to change providers.

Remember that comparing car insurance quotes online is totally free and you have no obligation at all to buy a policy. You only need to fill out a few minutes of personal information to get matched with the lowest rates for the type of coverage you need. One quick tip; Always do business with carriers that have a B or higher A.M. Best insurance rating. This is super important because the last things you need is for your auto insurer to go belly up and not be able to pay a claim. Just like in any other industry, insurance firms get badly managed and go out of business all the time. There are lots of sad stories out there of people not getting paid on very serious claims because the insurer went bankrupt.


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