Everyone wants to know how to make money online, well a great way to do this is by using the Facebook blogging machine. I call it this because it drives customers to your website through links you will create.
What is needed will be a well prepared website blog, that is knowledge based and keyword rich to see a good traffic flow. Of course everyone knows that you must have your own website to do this. For seven dollars you can have a personal site with unlimited domains, you can not lose.
Do not get in the rut of thinking that search engines will bring all of the traffic that is needed to make money online. Blogging online will produce more traffic than any search engine I know of. However, the more you blog on Facebook and other social networking sites, dramatically increases the chances of being ranked higher up on the search engine pages.
The blogging that you do will drive customers to your product page through links, ads, and or banners on your blog page. This is so much cheaper than using Google AdWords or Pay Per Click, although you can make some money online using ClickBank, but it will not be very much. We want to make big money online.
Facebook has more members than any other website and is probably the best and also the cheapest way to suck in customers to your selling or squeeze page. Traffic is the key to making money online, because without it all your time and effort is just wasted.
Ok, now that you have some traffic, what are you going to sell. Well you need a product that is in high demand. The place to start is by using Google's Wonder wheel. In the search bar type in whatever you would like to sell and hit enter, then on the left side of the page click on, more search tools, then on Wonder wheel and watch what happens. Then type in "external keyword tool" and up comes a spreadsheet with the most used keywords and how many clicks per month they receive, just use the keywords that produce the best results.
Determination with perseverance will go a long way, towards your goal of making money online, which is not too far away. Do it right and you will find just how quickly you can make money online by using Facebook and other social networks.