How to Use Article Marketing to Conquer the Search Engine

Successfully marketing your business online comes down to one very important factor: making search engines work for you. With a well planned article marketing strategy, you can use your knowledge of the product or service you're selling to boost your page rank and conquer the search engine.

Phone books, newspaper ads, and mailed fliers are things of the past. These days, when a consumer is on the hunt for the perfect product they often turn to their computer and the internet. The first place they go is a search engine like Google, Bing or Yahoo. With article distribution, search engine success leads to business success.

Identify Keywords

Identifying and learning to use the best keywords to promote your website is the first step to a successful marketing campaign. Looking at other sites offering similar products and services to the ones you offer can be a great way to start determining strong keywords.

Another strategy is using online keyword tools to determine the keywords customers search most in your genre. Think about the words you would use for a search if you were looking for your own product or service. Make sure you think about everyday people and the terms they would realistically use to find your merchandise.

Once you've got a sturdy list of promising keywords, you'll need to do a little bit of research and learn about how to place and use keywords in the articles you distribute. Keyword density is a very important factor when working with article distribution.

Websites should generally never contain more than 7 percent keyword density. The optimal keyword density for website content is 3 to 4 percent, meaning that for every 100 words you write, no more than four should be a keyword. For articles you write and distribute, it's best to stick below 2 percent.

Keyword stuffing, or using too many keywords, is highly frowned upon by article publishers. It can cause rejected content and can also trick spiders and crawlers into wrongly indexing your site or article. Using too many keywords in content can also cause your content to sound a lot like spam.

Article Marketing Strategy

Once you've got the keyword game down, a good article marketing strategy is one of the best ways to increase your search engine results. Distributing original content to publishers online creates opportunities for search engines to find your material and lead customers back to your website.

One important aspect of your article marketing strategy is focusing on multiple products. Product reviews on a single topic are often considered unobjective spam. To highlight a specific product in an article, you must include at least two other comparable products.

Consumers are looking for a merchant they can trust, and good communication skills and relevant information pave the way to that relationship. Articles should be designed to share your knowledge and information with your niche of potential customer.

The bottom line is that websites filled with quality, custom content are going to receive much higher page ranks than those filled with random, biased, and questionable information. Focus on keeping your content simple and relevant at the same time.

Article Distribution

This is where the difference comes in between advertising with banners, graphics and forums with backlinks and advertising with original content through article distribution. At first glance, more seems like a good strategy, but search engines actually like links that are relevant.

The relevancy of a link is based on the content of the website on which it appears, and the content of the website it links back to. Posting a link to a dog food website from an auto parts website will definitely not lead to high page rank. However, posting a link from a dog food website to a dog health and wellness website earns points for being relevant and useful.

Search engine results are important for many reasons, but they can also be a great way to judge how your articles are doing. By searching for your own articles by title or a specific section of content, you can see how many times they've been republished. Every article marketing strategy must include a strong article distribution service.