Make Money Online

There are many ways to make money online without spending a large amount of money to get started. There are affiliate programs, shopping malls, auctions, Ebooks, Yahoo AdSense and Google AdSense programs, just to name a few. My favorite way to make money online is AdSense and promoting affiliate programs. I like this way because there are no products to ship, no phone calls to make, and no emails to answer. I simply make a website with good content and place AdSense ads and affiliate programs on it and collect a check each month. This is the simplest way to make money online. Below is a list of the things you need to get started making money online the simple way.

  • 1. Domain Name - Your domain name is the name you choose for your website/URL, you can get domain names for less than $10 per year.
  • 2. Website - Take a class on website design and publishing if you don't know how to create a website. It will save you thousands of dollars, and it's easy to do. There are software programs you can get to create your website, and you don't need to know all those html codes, just type your text and the html codes are automatically created for you. You can copy, paste images, use tables, insert components like banners, hit counters, marquees, search forms, check boxes, dropdown menus, scrolling text boxes, hyperlinks, video, audio, push buttons, and much more, including publishing your website.
  • 3. WebHosting - This is the company that will host your website on their servers. The cost varies, from about $10.00 to $60.00 per month. Remember, you usually get what you pay for.
Make Money Online Now!


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