Sounds easy ... Make Money ... then why is it then that so many people have such a hard time doing this simple thing?
Or do they?
In one way or another, everyone does make money and in some cases, some people have money made for them.
Money made for them?
We look at people that are "feeding off the system" or are they "on welfare" or "social assistance" and feel that they are just sponging off of society, right?
What if this was actually very close to a millionaires mindset?
Here is the thing, the difference and the only difference is that millionaires are giving more service and as a result, they are being compensated by society.
So it would then stand to reason that the people in the middle are the fools, right?
Millionaires understand how to have money made for them, it is called leakage, they are in the position of service, offering a product, service, opportunity, leadership or any combination of these and they get paid by the same society that pays the people that we see to be sponging.
Do I endorse Welfare or Social Assistance, yes I do. I endorse it when the person in receipt of it does not have the means to provide for themselves. Everybody else that is on it just needs to understand that they are mean for greatness. They should wake-up to that fact by taking action in their life, setting some goals (start with very small attainable goals) as I suggest in this article I also wrote: -By-Focusing-On-Your-Goals --- Simple-Guidelines-Revealed-Here & id = 259438 then going for and attaining them, is what they are meant to accomplish in life.
I also believe that people working in a job are actually not in a much better place. They are dependent on a pay check every couple of weeks, most are unhappy (I understand it to be 90 percent) and as a result, they do not put in 100% to their job. Anything less than 100% means that they are getting compensated for something that they did not do.
So here it is, make money, discover and then do something you are really happy doing. Yes, it may start off uncomfortable; you may have to fight for it, but is your happiness and your greatness not worth fighting and taking risks for? Failure is always an option, just as I wrote in this article:!&id=233194 Take some time to assess your choices, there is always a choice.
We are all mean for greatness, we are all mean to make money and yes, it is easy.
If you have faith in yourself and do something that you love to do, it will never be a job; it will be the foundation to your life and a legacy for the future.
Now all you have to do is figure out what you are meant to do and obviously you are close, or you would not be reading this article. If you need a hand to learn how to make money, give me a call, I am happy to be of assistance; guiding people to greatness is what I do.