Quick Bible Translation Comparison

I've been around the Bible my whole life. If you're like other Christians, you might be wondering what translation is the best, what one is most accurate and what one is right for you. These are all things I've wondered in the past and over the many years I've used many Bible translations, such as the NASB, NIV, KJV, NKJV, etc.

While I will not go into a complete historical and in-depth break down on every translation there is, I will touch on some of the more popular Bible translations out there.

KJV Bible

The King James Version (note: the NKJV is different) was released back in 1611 and is a "word for word" translation from the Bishops Bible, Tyndale's Bible, Masoretic Texts and Textus Receptus.

While not my personal favorite, this and the NKJV are widely used.

NKJV Bible

Simply put, this is a more modern King James Bible. In 1982 it was created to "modernize" the language some so that it was easier to read by more people.

NIV Bible

Another very popular version. Like the KJV and NKJV, I own multiple Bibles that use this translation.

The NIV is easier to read than the KJV and NKJV. According to some reports, this is the best-selling version of the Bible as well. Like I said, it's very easy to digest, so adults, teens and even youngger children enjoy it.

NASB Bible

This is my favorite translation. It's a word for translation that uses the Hebrew and Greek. It's an upper-level translation from Rudolf Kittel's Biblia Hebraica Dead Sea Scrolls and Nestle-Aland Novum Testamentum Graece.

Generally speaking, adults serious about studying God's Word gravitate toward the NASB. Of course, that does not mean you can not be serious with any version of the Bible.

The Right Bible

So what version of the Bible is right for you? This really is a personal question. Regardless of the "flavor" you enjoy, I highly recommend you buy a good study Bible.

If you're new in the Lord, you may want to start out with the NIV Bible. It's very easy to understand and there are many great ones out there. Personally, I own multiple Bibles of many translations.

Brief Example of Matthew 4:19

Below is the verse Matthew 4:19 from four different translations to give you an example of the difference.

NASB: "And He said to them," Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. "

NIV: "Come, follow Me," Jesus said, "and I will make you fishers of men."

NKJV: "Then He said to them," Follow Me, and I will make you fishers of men. "

KJV: "And he saith unto them, Follow me, and I will make you fishers of men."
âEUR¨You'll notice they say the same thing, just a little different. The KJV did not capitalize God at all (He, Me). The differences can be seen more in other versions and other translations.

Chances are you'll end up being more loyal to one translation in time.


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