The Fifty Commandes of Jesus

In many of my articles I speak about the commands of Jesus. I have found he had at least fifty so here is a list of them in an original list my mother typed up for your reference. There are many benefits to obeying Jesus.

The fifty commands of Jesus

1 Do not call Jesus Lord when you do not obey Him. Lk 6:46, Mt 7:21.
2 Build on the rock of obedience to Jesus otherwise you will fall. Mt 7: 24-27, Lk 6: 47-49.
3 Worship God alone. Mt 4: 10b, Lk 4: 8.
4 Follow Jesus. Mt 4:19, 11: 28-30, Mk 1:17, Jn 1: 43,12: 26, 10:27, 21: 22b.
5 Be salt and light to this world. Mt 5: 13-16 Mk 9:50, Lk 11:33, 14:34. Jn 3:21.
6 Do not call your brother a fool. Mt 5:22, 12:36.
7 Practice instant reconciliation. Mt 5: 24-25.
8 Do not look with lust at another this is adultery in the heart. Mt 5: 27-28.
9 Do not divorce and marry another, this is adultery. Mt 5:32, 19: 9, Mk 10: 11-12.
10 Do not swear an oath. Mt 5: 33-37.
11 Do more than expected, go the 2nd mile. Mt 5: 38-41.
12 Give to those that ask. Mt 5:42, Lk 6:30, 38.
13 Love, bless and pray for your enemies. Mt 5: 43-48, Lk 6: 27-29.
14 Quietly do good for God's praise alone. Mt 6: 1-4.
15 When you pray, fast or give do it secretly. Mt 6: 5-6.
16 Do not use vain repetitions when praying. Mt 6: 7-8, Mk 12:40.
17 Pray to God the Father. Mt 6: 9, Jn 16: 23-24.
18 Do not be anxious. Mt 6: 25-32, Lk 12: 22-30, Jn14: 1, 16:33.
19 Store your riches in heaven not on earth. Mt 6: 19-21, 33, Lk 12:21, 31-34, Jn 12:25.
20 Judge not that you may not be judged. Mt 7: 1-5, Lk 6:37, 41-42, Jn 7:24.
21 Keep asking, seeking and knocking. Mt 6: 9-11, 7: 7-11, Lk 11: 9-13.
22 Treat others as you like to be treated. Mt 7:12, Lk 6:31.
23 Do not waste time on argumentative people. Mt 7: 6.
24 Forgive others. Mt 6:12, 14-15, 18:21, Mk 11: 25-26, Lk 11: 9-13.
25 Let the dead bury their dead. Mt 8:22, Lk 9: 6a.
26 Do not fear people-fear God. Mt 10:28, 16:23, Lk 12: 4-5.
27 Confess Christ before men. Mt 10: 32-33, Mk 5:19, 8:38, Lk 9:26, 12: 8-9.
28 Take up your cross. Mt 10: 38-39, 16: 24-26, Mk 8: 34-37, Lk 9: 23-26, 14: 26-33.
29 Beware of hypocrisy and greed. Mt 15: 6-9, 23:28, Lk 6: 41-42, 12: 1b, 20: 46-47.
30 Privately rebuke a brother and if he repents forgive him. Mt 18:15, Lk 17: 3-4.
31 Pay your taxes and give to God what is his. Mt 22:21, Mk 12:17, Lk 20:25, 21: 4.
32 Love God and others. Mt 22: 37-40, Mk 12: 30-31, Lk 10:27, Jn 15:12, 13: 34-35.
33 Keep alert and watch for the 2nd coming. Mt 24: 44,46, 50-51, Mk 14:62, Lk 12: 35-40, 21: 27-28.
34 Honor God with all that you have been given. Mt 25: 14-31, Lk 18:18.
35 Minister to others as you would to Jesus Himself. Mt 25: 34-46.
36 Preach the Gospel and teach obedience. Mt 28:20, Mk 16:15, Lk 9: 60b, Jn 21: 15b, 16b, 17b.
37 Repent of your sins. Mk 1:15, Lk 13: 3,5, Lk 15: 7,10, 18-24.
38 Believe in Jesus Mk 16:16, Lk 9:35, Jn 12:36, 6:29, 20:29, 14: 6.
39 Have child like faith. Mk 10:15, Lk 18:17, Mt 9:29.
40 Do not sell things in God's house. Mk 11: 15-17, Jn 2:16.
41 Rejoice when you are persecuted. Lk 6: 22-23.
42 Do not be distracted from hearing God's Word. Lk 10: 38-42.
43 Act with compassion and not prejudice towards others. Lk 10: 30-37.
44 Invite the poor to eat with you. Lk 14: 13-14.
45 Humble yourself & take the lowest position Lk 14: 8-11, 18: 13-14, Mt 23:12, 19:30.
46 You must be born again. Jn 3: 3, Jn 3: 5-8.
47 Live in Me and live in My love. Jn 8: 31-32, Jn 15: 4, 9
48 Do not covet your bother's blessing Lk 12: 13-15, 15: 29-30
49 Be baptized Mt 29:19, Mk 16:16
50 Strive for perfection Mt 5:48, Jn 15:14


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