The Real Way To Make Money With Affiliate Marketing

Affiliate Marketing is a great way to get started selling online. Where else can you find products with such high commission rates? You can make a 50% commission or more on an ebook that you did not even have to write. As a salesperson, this is a huge advantage.

The real money in affiliate marketing, however, is made by the product owner. Imagine that rather than getting 50% of everything that you sell, you get 50% of everything that 20 people sell?

To achieve this level of success, you have to:

  1. Either write or buy a product of your own to sell; and
  2. You have to run or participate in an affiliate program.
Neither of these should keep you from success. Acquiring a product can be done in many ways, including writing your own, buying resale rights, hiring a ghostwriter, or customizing private label rights. Take the time to do your research to ensure that you will have a saleable product, then pursue one of these avenues to obtain a product.

What about the so-called "super affiliates"? Do not they make their money selling other peoples products? Yes, and no. Most sell their own products through their affiliate program, then they sell other peoples affiliate products to the giant customer list that their own affiliates have created for them. By having an army of affiliates to sell their products, then selling additional products to these same customers they are able to "super-size" their income.

Of course, you need an affiliate program and autoresponder. There are many products out there that can do the job, but the best affiliate software that I have seen anywhere is JVManager. The JVManager1 software will cost you $ 97 and will manage your affiliate program and a lot more. JVManager2 is much more expensive, but it is a great program if you are ready for that level. Either program will work seamlessly with your autoresponder, making sure that you get your lead, the customer gets their product, and the affiliate gets his money.

Unless you orchestrate a huge launch sales will be slow at first, but if you have a good product, sales will grow as more affiliates begin promoting your product. You can then devote your time and efforts on developing more products.


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