If you're a small business owner operating a commercial vehicle, then you may believe that obtaining the right insurance is as simple and straightforward as obtaining "commercial auto insurance". However, that's actually a broad classification which houses many dozens of different types of policies.
While it's not as straightforward as a result, the good news is that you're ensured of always finding a specific policy which matches up with what you're doing. For example, you need to consider the different risks that you face with very different types of vehicles, as well as different risks based upon different industries, and services being performed.
Let's take a look at a few different vehicles and industries to demonstrate this point, starting with non-emergency medical transportation. These are specially equipped vehicles, typically vans although in some cases small buses, which provide assistance for individuals who are perhaps disabled and could not ride in a regular car.
Providing this service adds on different risk factors, the equipment which has been installed in these vehicles adds new risks, and changes the value of the vehicle, and so forth. Certainly a non-emergency medical transportation offering daily ride services to two individuals in wheelchairs needs a different policy than a construction worker with a van equipped with the tools of his trade.
Another interesting example to consider is the burgeoning world of food truck companies. Food trucks are greatly different from other trucks, and even other semi-related trucks, such as ice cream trucks, or refrigerated trucks.
With food trucks, you're actually preparing the food in that vehicle. That means there is cooking equipment, heat and energy sources, open flames, knives, and the people back there doing the cooking. Sounds like there's a whole load of unique risks and specifications that food truck insurance policies would need to cover as opposed to a vehicle such as a pickup truck or 18 wheeler.
Of course, these are just a few examples to clarify the point that all specialty vehicles and different industries face their own risks and challenges. Therefore, generic commercial auto or truck insurance is simply a term, whereas the coverage you need will be fine-tuned to your profession.
When you're shopping for commercial auto or truck insurance, don't try to go it alone. Consult with an experienced insurance agent who can help you find the policy which is the exact "just right" fit for you, your business, whatever type of vehicle you're operating, and whatever you're actually doing with it.