2018 Is the Year of the Masternodes Cryptocurrencies

Digital treaties such as Bitcoin and Ethereum are in the news headlines everyday. The properties that make these cryptocurrency unique is their abilities to act as a store of value, and lightning quick transfer speeds, or at least with the introduction of the lightning network for Bitcoin, and Ethereum 'Casper switch to pos and its smart contract capabilities allow cryptocurrency to be more than just money. Now Masternodes coins are all the rage due to the added incentive it gives to owning a percentage of a certain currency.

If you could imagine your good old blue faced hundred dollar bill being on stereoids then you would be close to imagining a masternodes coin. In the world of cryptocurrency, proof of stake is the method of confirming transactional hash that contains the consensus and keeps all the notes on the same page, so that there can not be double spending of any certain transactions and all is well with the network consensus. Staking your coins is a way of utilizing the amount of currency you own and syncing your digital wallet with the network to help maintain it, and in return you receive an incentive for helping validate the transactions. To run a masternodes, one must have a set of coins running on a network and follow the Masternodes setup instructions for whichever currency you are planning on investing in. The added incentive is amazingly more than just staking your coins, in some cases, upwards of 1500 percent annually. It is these astronomical return on investments that is really bringing a ton of attention and investment into the Masternodes market.

One crypto planning on releasing a Masternodes coin early 2019 is the Tattoo Allince Token, to be a side chain on the Egem blockchain, whichs on disabling the tattoo industry by creating a tokenized rewards system for both people wanting to buy tattoos and the artists who look forward to applying the artwork in return for the token. I believe this will be an amazing and refreshing idea and a great way to add long term benefits for tattoo artists who up till now have no 401k or incentive program in place. I am optimistic about this crypto since it drives to achieve great rewards and add value to a cash heavy industry. I believe that alongside the Masternodes capabilities, it will also have staking and a smart contract protocol as well as offering decentralized autonomous governance and a memberships rewards program. Look for more on TAT Masternodes token, coming early next year.


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