How to Choose a Study Bible

What is a study Bible and what are the reasons to purchasing one? A study Bible is a Bible that has various footnotes and other study helps to explain verses of scripture or shed more light on a certain word that is used. Study bibles do not explain an entire passage or book, that is reserved for Bible comments, but do help when reading through the Bible and a simple question comes to mind.

Perhaps you've been reading through the Bible and saw that something measured ten cubits. You surprised what cubit was but did not know where to look it up or you did not have the time. If you are reading from your study Bible, you can look beneeth the passage at the footnote and find that a cubit is approximately 18 inches. Suddenly you have a great understanding of the passage because you can picture the size of an object when before you had no clue.

There are a number of things that should be factored when selecting a Bible. Probably the first decision that needs to be made is for what Bible version are you looking. There are numerous different translations of the Bible available and each one has their own strengths and weaknesses.

After you select which version you are looking for, you should decide how you will use your Bible. Most people just want a general study Bible such as the Life Application Study Bible or Zondervan's NIV Study Bible. However your options go far beyond general studies if you desire. There are now study Bibles for children, teens, men, and women. Each Bible has notes that are meant to specifically help the group it is focused on.

Or you may prefer study notes by a particular person. There are numerous study Bibles with notes written all by one person. Some of the popular versions are ones written by John MacArthur, Charles Ryrie, and CI Scofield.

Finally you must choose whether you want a hardback Bible or a leather bound Bible. Your cover options may be more limited with a study Bible as these Bibles tend to be bigger than ones without the notes. Many general study Bibles also are available in large print and some are offering a smaller personal size but you should look out for tiny print in these. Depending on the publisher and the overall popularity of the Bible, some Bibles may only be available in hardcover. A limited number of study Bibles are available in paperback as well.

After you have an idea of ​​what you are looking for start shopping for the best study Bible prices. With a bit of searching you will find a Bible that not only meets your needs but also your budget.


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