The Best Way to Save Money and Fuel - Tuning Your Car Tires

According to the experts of the tire industry, millions of Americans are running on tires with insufficient pressure. These motorists are not aware that their safety is at risk nor how the air pressure in tires affect fuel economy, maneuverability of the vehicle and tire life.

Many drivers never or rarely, check air pressure in their car tires, but this is a simple task that takes two to three minutes. Test your knowledge in this brief Questionnaire:

Q. How do inflated tires affect your fuel economy in your car and how much would it cost?
A. A badly inflated tire increases resistance to rolling so the engine of your vehicle work harder. According to the Department of Energy of the United States, if tire pressure is just two pounds below recommended, results in an increase of one percent in fuel consumption. When you multiply four tires by multiple pounds, easily increase gasoline consumption by ten percent or more. For many drivers, it could cost several hundred dollars per year in gasoline.

Q. Should I inflate my tires to the maximum air pressure marked on the sidewall of the tire?
A. No. You should inflate your tires according to the pressure recommended by the vehicle manufacturer and is in the door jamb or in the manual of your car. If there is a range, always use the highest level of pressure psi (psi is an abbreviation for pounds per square inch and expresses the inflation pressure).

Q. How much air pressure a tire can lose commonplace in a year?
A. According to Bridgestone / Firestone, the tires can lose one pound per square inch per month.

Q. How low tire pressure may cause harm to tire causing additional risks?
A. The bad side of a tire inflation is deflected over when the vehicle is in motion, generating heat. This heat will increase and could destroy the components of the tire.

Q. When is the best time to check my tire pressure?
A. It is best to check tire pressure when the tire is cold (usually in the morning when the car has been stopped.)

As a general rule, tires of today are made to last much longer and have higher performance compared to tires than last decade, this was told by Director of Marketing for Bridgestone / Firestone, Phil Packsi. But without proper maintenance, including regular testing of pressure, rotation and alignment, tires lose their effectiveness. The most important thing is knowing that this maintenance helps ensure that the tires offer a safer ride to drivers and passengers.


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