Top Causes of Car Accidents

Experts state that the major causes of car accidents are driver distractions. Dangerous distractions that can lead to an accident include cell phones and other gadgets that drivers use as they drive. Cell phones, laptops, electric razors, etc. causing drivers to take their eyes off the road for seconds at a time with the potential to cause a serious, if not deadly, accident. In response to this, some states in the US have banned the use of hand-held cell phones while people are driving. The alternative is to use a hands free ear bud that is lightweight and comfortable, and allows a driver to carry on a conversation without diversions.

Another dangerous distraction is when a driver who has been drinking and then attempts to drive. The effects of alcohol can and does raise havoc behind the while. Anyone with a blood alcohol level of .01 is considered unfit to drive. The effects of driving while intoxicated include drowsiness, loss of focus and the inability to judge distances and reaction times.

Rubbernecking and tailgating are other potentially dangerous habits that many practice while driving. Rubbernecking occurs when drivers slow down to look at another accident on the road or anything that looks unusual on the highway. When a driver slows a car down too quickly, the driver in the car behind often times does not have enough time to slow down or stop and runs into the back of the vehicle in the lead. Rear end collisions can lead to serious injuries. The same applies for tailgating in that a driver who is following a car too closely may not have enough distance to stop suddenly, and the potential for a serious accident is eminent.

A driver's behavior causes many accidents; still others are caused by mechanical failure or road conditions. There are technical solutions that are available to help with these problems and have contributed to a decline in the death rates caused by automotive accidents. They include trailer monitors that let a driver know how close they are to the vehicle ahead; sobriety detectors, that measure the amount of alcohol that a driver has consumed and drifting monitors that alert a driver when his or her car drifts too far to one side of the road or the other.


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