Are You Using the Right Bags?

If you run a business and sell products to your customers, then you might use a lot of bags. If you're not using the right bags then you might be making things hard for your customers, as well as wasting time and money.

Here's what you need to know about bags.

1. Builders bags can be used for transporting sand, stones and soil around. You may be a DIY store or builders merchants, and delivery large and bulky products to your customers. Builders bags are square and designed to fit well on a pallet, and so can be loaded onto a van or lorry quickly and easily.

2. Garden waste bags are useful for gardeners, and for DIY shops too. If you're doing your garden, or supply gardening products, then you'll want to make sure that people can recycle their garden waste in suitable garden waste bags.

3. It's a good idea to offer reusable shopping bags to your customers instead of harmful plastic bags. Reusable shopping bags will reduce the amount of plastic used, and encourage people to keep a shopping bag with them at all times.

4. If you are a retailer, then maybe you'll want to encourage your customers not to use bags if they do not have to. Perhaps you'll make sure that your products come in easy to carry packs or boxes, or that you'll put a surcharge on carrier bags in order to reduce the number of plastic bags you need to use.

5. You might be combing bags with different types of packaging in order to send out your products, or take your waste to be recycled. Perhaps you use boxes to carry your bags in, or maybe you pout your boxes in a bag. Using the right size and type bags can make delivery and recycling much easier for you.

6. If you're involved in the storing, transporting or carrying of chemicals, then you'll want to make sure that they will not leak. Using strong bags that are designed for use with chemicals and can stand up to the rigor of being moved about will reduce the risk of a leak.

7. Animal feeds need to be transported in strong durable bags that can withstand the weather and being dragged around. Using inferior bags can lead to the bag breaking and the feed falling out, leading to hungry animals.

8. Human food stuff is quite often transported in suitable food bags too. As it will be consumed by people, it's essential that that your food bags are appropriate for the job, and meet the necessary standards and regulations.

9. You may need strong recycling bags for recycling paper card and plastics. Your recyclable waste might be collected from you, but you still want to make sure that it can last a night in the wind and rain.

10. Net bags can be extremely useful for carrying items that will not fit into other kinds of bags, or that need to be visible to customers, yeat easy to store and move. If you sell small trees or fruit and vegetables, or even even shellfish, you'll find that net bags are extremely useful.

Now you know what to look for, you'll be able to use the right bags, and make sure that you do your bit for your customers, and the planet too.


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