Few Guidelines When Buying a Laptop

When purchasing your next laptop, in addition to the choice of material or brand or characteristics, it is advisable to ensure the following features:

Weight: a laptop obviously will be transported, therefore it is essential to choose the lightest possible. Be careful however, sometimes the weight is stated without the external devices as DVD Writer.

Autonomy: The autonomy of the computer is directly dependent on the consumption of its components and the characteristics of the battery.

Type Ni-Mh battery: are more powerful than nickel-cadmium batteries.

Type Li-Ion battery: rechargeable batteries fitted to most laptops. The Li-Ion batteries offer excellent performance for a modest cost. In addition, the Li-Ion batteries do not suffer from memory effect, which means that it is not necessary to empty the battery completely before recharging the unit.

Type Li-Polymer battery has performance equivalent to the Li-Ion batteries, but much lighter as the liquid electrolyte (or ionic solution) and the micro porous separator of Li-Ion batteries are replaced by a much lighter solid polymer (polyacrylonitrile). However this type of battery is not an asset because the charging time is greater and their life is relatively low. It typically defines the autonomy of the laptop by the average time of activity of the laptop in standby / use.

Temperature of operation: The various components of a laptop work results in an increase in temperature that sometimes could be really high. Overheating could appear too, especially when the laptop works with the screen closed, because this could prevent a good heat dissipation (Joule effect).

Noise: For some models of laptops, the fans used for heat dissipation could be really noisy. It is also the case for the motors driving the rotating hard drives or CD / DVD. It is strongly advised to seek information on the noise level of the computer when it works.

Laptops are more practical than the desktops. You will have the ability to work wherever you go and this could be fun. Probably you will spend a bit more than for a desktop, but if you want to save some money there are always refurbished laptops offers.


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