Going Green - Saving Money With Green Energy

Going Green - Saving Money sounds like a big come-on, does not it? Well, it is not. And the good news, is I can prove it. I can put my money where my mouth is ... in fact, I already did. And it turns out I am saving money on my electric bill! That is not easy thing to do in this economy, but every month I am saving as much as 30 percent on my electric bill and now my electric power comes from renewable green energy sources and I did not spend a dime to change over to solar or wind power.

How Can I Use A Green Power Source

How can I save money and go green? Let me show you. This only took me two minutes of my time. A few minutes to learn how to save up to 20 or 25 percent a month on your electric bill?

Have you wanted to live a green life style but just did not know how to take advantage of renewable energy sources? I understand because that was what I wanted too. I did not know how to live a gener life style so I just kept on recycling my cans, glass and papers. I felt like, big deal, I want to make an impact and though I know recycling is a good thing, it did not feel like I was doing enough. After all the environment is calling out for help. Our Planet and its resources are in danger and our future generations need our help.

You do not have to set up solar panels or put a wind farm in your backyard to use power from renewable energy sources. In fact with electric deregulation we can now decide where we want our energy to come from. You get to choose, fossil fuels or clean green renewable energy sources ... which would you pick?

Of course you would choose green, most people would. Only those die-hard types who refuse to admit we have a crisis situation with regards to the Greenhouse Effect and Global Warming would not choose to go green. Even if all the evidence we have that points to Global Warming was incorrect, why would not someone want to use renewable energy as compared to fossil fuel sources which will run out and are pollutants? That just does not make sense. And that is exactly how to save money and to go green, by choosing a third party energy supplier who delivers energy from green sources.

So let us all begin to make sense today. Please, do not take my word for it ... after all, you do not know me. I am just someone who put words on a web site. You will, after you check out what I am saying, trust me and you will also thank me ... just like I thank the person who pointed me in this new, exciting directions with this Green Energy Source.

I actually looked into getting Solar Panels on my house a year or so ago. The government was offering a huge rebate and I thought that would be a great way to start going green saving money also came into play. But it was so expensive initially to purchase and install the panels that I saved up on that renewable energy very quickly. I am just an average Jill and do not have tens of thousands of dollars to set up an energy source ... even if I am all for the idea and want to do it. If I had the funding I would have ... but I do not. I was disappointed too. But you know they say, "When one door closes, another opens" and I believe that the solar panel door shut because this new FREE Go Green solution was coming my way. And I am thankful is every Green way that it did.

So do not take my word for it, see for yourself, get the facts, investigate and when you are done, I will see you on the other side ... The GREEN Side. And not only will you trust me, you will thank me and I in turn will Thank You for being smart enough to look into this wonderful Go Green Idea. Today we can choose our energy service provider and that means we can also choose the type of energy our providers deliver to us. That is how you can go green right now and when you do the math you will see it will be cheaper for you too.

If you live in New Jersey, New York, Connectitcut, Maryland or Illinois, you can switch over to green energy today. If you live in the other states you will be able to switch over soon. Find out more about this money saving energy plan so you can save money and go green too.


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